DD: The Common Law, the jab and your rights!

The Full English Show – Published 25 August 2021

DD: The Constitution is the Solution as it forbids Marxism – Communism – Fabianism. We never asked for the imposition of Roman Law upon us. We never were asked for uncontrolled immigration. [[[They]]] never talk about those of us that were taken as slaves to be taken to the Middle East. Look at the Metric Martyrs case. [[[They]]] never expected us to win.  We have the lowest pension rate practically in the world.  How is that?  The people who built this country are not rewarded.  Where is the money going?  To keep someone who just arrived in this country on a boat and never did f all to help build it.

2 July 2021: Ministers inch closer to pardon for ‘metric martyrs’ who defied EU


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