Tim Truth – Published 24 August 2021

What tests are safe?
Which ones non invasive?I might have to get one

🤔 None are safe... have you seen the video made by the RN of 30 years/also medical investigator Cassandra Dunn where she shows the two swab packages, made in China, outside of package says EO. That’s ethylene oxide. It’s saturated in ethylene oxide. Then she reads pages of all the effects of EO, sterilization, cancer, the list goes on

It’s all illegal, fraudulent, the vax has no insert it says “intentionally blank” , there’s been no virus isolated (ever) because viruses are excretions from a toxic cell purging (dead cells) internal process in the body, not “contagious” nor can you “catch” a virus. Let’s not forget there’s no “test” , the scientist created the pcr said “does not sect a virus nor can it tell someone they are sick”

Have you heard of the “healthy American” website or her YouTube channel ? Recently came across it. You can get religious exemptions packets from her site , husband is a pastor, and she’s put together a lot of resources for people. Lots of experience and very informative. Many people have turned these forms in to schools and employers to not be “forced” into the illegal swab “test”/the mask/and the jab

If or should I say when they start testing people who don’t want to be tested, i’ll only let them test the following 1# Blood, 2# urine, 3# DNA hair test. They are not sticking anything up in my brain pad – regardless if it’s designed to break off or not. There’s just no reason for it. This is a depopulation shot, most of us who have followed it truly believe this and with good reason.

There are lipid-graphene oxide nanoparticles in the PCR test swabs

I APPROVE of MANDATORY HANGING..for violators of the FDA protoco,
18US Code § 241. Conspiracy against rights,
18US Code § 242. Deprivation of rights under color of law,
The Nuremberg Code, Human Rights, Crimes Against Humanity, Oath Breakers, Order Followers, and Media Censors who censor life saving information, where death is
involved with their crimes.

You can’t sue the Jab Makers or Google, But you can HANG THEM for their crimes and every Minion in the chain, Following orders is NO excuse!

“A law repugnant to the Constitution is void. An act of Congress repugnant to the Constitution cannot become a law. The Constitution supersedes all other laws and the individual’s rights shall be liberally enforced in favor of him, the clearly intended and expressly designated beneficiary.”Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803)

“An unconstitutional law is void and is as no law. An offense created by it is not crime. A conviction under it is not merely erroneous but is illegal and void and cannot be used as a legal cause of imprisonment.”Ex parte Siebold, 100 U.S. 371 (1879)

“An unconstitutional act is not law. It confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office. It is, in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed.” Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425 (1886)

After you are found guilty I believe you can choose
lethal injection (VAX) or firing squad, or hanging, there might even be a guillotine option!!!

Is anyone else really concerned that construction of the swabs are:
1. inconsistent across countries (when protocols and lockdown measures are)
2. contaminated or deliberately laced with foreign items (smart or inteli-dust, as Assange disclosed)
3. interfering with results or causing damage to the patient?

I am. I have grandchildren, grand and great-grand nieces and nephews. This inconsistency, questionable toxicology and invasiveness is gravely disturbing!

A few very good explanatory videos for people to understand “germs” and “viruses” don’t make people sick. No matter what Dr believes so, there have been wiser Drs for hundreds of years proving that’s not true.
Everyone should learn this and tell others. It’s literally the fraudulent foundation that big pharmakeia is built upon

Dr Tom Barnett – Studied science and medicine for 10 years. He devoted 3 years of his studies and research specifically to Mold, Fungus, Bacteria, Protozoans and Viruses.

The WHO/UN Agenda 12/30 de-population Plan via 5G 60 millimetre waves and toxic ”Corona” vaccine injections

GW: This one is a ”bit shootie” https://www.bitchute.com/video/3EngX6dN9sYP/ so it has been put ”under the counter” on the ”restricted” shelf by the platform.

Whatever the paper, Dr Stefan Lanka just recently destroyed virology again with the control experiments the virologists haven’t done since 1952, when Enders introduced the fraudulent “virus culture”.
Your claim may be true, but the science behind it is utter nonsense, a fraud.

I don’t do anything from China! Never Masked, Never tested, Never Vaxed for a Ghost Virus that has never been isolated.

I never understood how anyone would submit to this test?
[[[They]]] are sticking a weapon up your nose toward your brain and most of the slaves were cool with that.
[[[They]]] even had it done to their children.
All of you allowed this to happen instead of saying no.
You questioned nothing.
Why didn’t you ask [[[them]]] if a simple saliva test would work?
Why must [[[they]]] rape your brain with a rod?
This is why Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab believe you deserve to die.
Because you’re so dumb you’re not worth saving.
You don’t fight back.
[[[They]]] believe you are literal scum.
You’re only shot is to fight back.
Beat the F out of anyone who attempts to test you.
Burn the f=cking testing centers to the ground.
Only you can save you.
Guerilla warfare

The FDA has been in bed with Monsanto who in times past created chemical weapons for miltiary warfare and now produce GMO crops. The GMOs are now found to be cancer causing, yet still in use and have been since the 1980s without the knowledge of the general public or without proper labeling. Do you still trust our governing bodies with our health? Remember when they used mercury in our dental implants? And yet they knew mercury was lethal and produced mad-hatters syndrome? Ever heard of the Tuskegee Experiment to “treat” Syphilis? Wake up people before it’s too late for them!

Graphene Oxide Nanomaterial – The A.I. Hivemind Assimilation via the Vaccine! Becoming One with the Beast!

Dr. Fauci is hoping to see FDA approval on the Mark of the Beast vaccines by August 2021, which could mean sudden mandates by universities, schools, private business and more. The crunch down is on! Mandatory Mark of the Beast vaccines are on the way! Refuse at all costs!


The tribulation is soon to begin. Please feel free to save these files as PDFs:

Printable version of my left behind letter:

Corona (Crown) Virus



SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — San Francisco Mayor London Breed on Thursday morning announced that the city would require proof of full COVID-19 vaccination for a variety of indoor activities, including entering bars, restaurants and gyms.

Breed and San Francisco Public Health Director Dr. Grant Colfax made the announcement late Thursday morning as they stood outside famed North Beach bar Vesuvio.


If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a ducks, most likely it is a duck. Do you dare to gamble with your eternal soul to enjoy luxuries for a speck of time?

Revelation 13:16-17 KJVAnd he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Article Source:

Report: Los Angeles to require vaccinations to buy groceries

Now the Epoch Times is reporting a plan in Los Angeles to require vaccination proofs in order to go into restaurants, gyms, entertainment venues and retail stores – including grocery retailers.

The report said that would be more restrictive that New York City’s plan to require that proof in restaurants and such, because it excludes retail stores.

LA’s plan comes from Council President Nury Martinez and council member Mitch O’Farrell. In a prepared statement, Martinez claimed, “It’s our responsibility to protect the public, that includes protecting them from the unvaccinated. The decision to not get vaccinated doesn’t just affect you. We have kids under the age of 12 who are not eligible for the vaccine yet, and someone’s decision to not get vaccinated affects them as well.”

The fibers are the same colors as the morgealons disease…..

I covered Gatti too here.
“Swab Science: invasion & destruction”

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