S4S: A Danish Politician With Balls

Sanity 4 Sweden – Published 19 August

NY adverse reaction march @www.facebook.co.m/message….

JFK21 and Populisterna new Scandinavian parties kicking banks ass

JFK21 is a young Danish political party with former investment banker Mads Palsvig as leader. He detected finally that our banking system is a scam, a Ponzi scheme. The private banks power to create digital money out of thin air without public control must be stopped.

The young Swedish party Populisterna shares the same opinion. They want to nationalize also the digital money, not only the cash. The central bank of Sweden, Riksbanken, shall establish a new pillar of power, the fourth, together with the Parliament, the Government and the Courts. This money issuing power (Monetative) shall be directly controlled by the people in public elections comparable to parliamentary elections


Danish JFK21 party program

Mads Palsvig – Banksters V Slaves & 5G Depopulation


Thanks to my supporters

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