DD: The Nazi’s, Communists, Marxists – Where did they go? …

The Full English Show – Published 18 August 2021

They are still here, still around but using projection, propaganda and NLP to sucker you in.

The Guardians who are they? Well they teamed up with with John Smith of the Common Laws Courts, remember those fake courts with no enforcement and everyone laughs at them. Oh by the way they are led by a British Veteran trained in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) you know the same stuff used by the elites, a type of psychology weaponized against you.

Well, Mick Stott trained by the British, Brainwashed by the British is now carrying on with his military and British training to brainwash others into a fake court, charging people money to get themselves in the dock in a real court, where the British trained Judges will laugh at the people in the dock and either send you to prison, or make you pay a fine.

Mick Stott and John Smith (if i’m wrong, sue me).

Kier Hardie – A Founding Member of the Labour Party
Keir Hardie, in his evidence to the 1899 House of Commons Select Committee on emigration and immigration, argued that the Scots resented immigrants greatly and that they would want a total immigration ban. When it was pointed out to him that more people left Scotland than entered it, he replied, “It would be much better for Scotland if those 1,500 were compelled to remain there and let the foreigners be kept out… Dr Johnson said God made Scotland for Scotchmen, and I would keep it so.” According to Hardie, the Lithuanian migrant workers in the mining industry had “filthy habits”, they lived off “garlic and oil”, and they were carriers of “the Black Death”.[33] Hardie later reversed these views as he became a more internationalist figure and became of the realisation that the working class nature of foreigners was more important than their nationality and they too were victims of capitalism, as much as the British workers he stood to represent.

In 1908, when visiting South Africa, he said the Socialist movement stood for equal rights for every race but that “we do not say all races are equal; no one dreams of doing that”.On return to the UK he stated his belief that black people should be given the opportunity to vote and to take a full part in society.[34]

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