6 Billion Humans to Be Killed by the Elite – NWO Depopulation Agenda – Holistic Doctors Who Died Mysteriously Exposed the Dangers of Vaccines and Cures for Cancer

Know Your Enemy, These Men Rule The World.

Back in 2015 reports of the suspicious deaths of holistic doctors who exposed the many deadly dangers of vaccines and the correlation to austim began. The mysterious deaths of holistic doctors continue, without any mainstream media reporting, as many of the deaths have “plausible deniability”, which is the top facet of all mass media manipulation and deception.

Since 2015, there has been a major campaign to disprove all of these deaths as “conspiracy theories.”

I knew back then that these holistic doctors were killed to silence their voices regarding the dangers of vaccines and the increasing rise of autism. But there may have been another reason. Once the COVID-19 “scamdemic” was launched these doctors would have been screaming at the top of their voices.

Many physicians who survive have screamed about the dangers of the COVID-19 mRNA injections, like Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. These physicians have a huge following. The doctors who died “mysteriously” were not nearly as well known, but all had influence and would have trumpeted the dangers of the mRNA vaccines creating a large chorus. Could that be why there was a barrage of mysterious holistic doctor deaths over the course of a few short years?

Very possible.


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