S4S: People Starting To Get Suspicious of the Jab | Woke US Athletes Ruin Olympics

Published 13 August 2021

Why Canada is falling behind in Convid vaccinations 29 % have had both https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-56035306
SS: 29% took both and 14% took one of the shots.

US Jab Tracker – https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/public-health/states-ranked-by-percentage-of-population-vaccinated-march-15.html

Convid Jab in EU by the numbers
SS: Less than 50% took both shots.

A third of Israel’s 9.3 million people have received at least one shot in mere weeks, and over 1.9 million have gotten both doses
SS: 1/3 of Israel’s 9.3 Million population didn’t take the shot.

14-08-21: Australia First dose 143K Second dose 137K

The original long-term target was to fully vaccinate all 20 million adults by October 2021. In April, the federal government scrapped that plan and abandoned all targets following new medical advice recommending against the AstraZeneca vaccine for younger Australians.

At the end of July, National Cabinet announced new vaccination targets as part of a four-stage national roadmap to return to normal. Australia will progress to the next phase of opening up when 70 per cent of the ”eligible” population have had two doses of vaccine. The Prime Minister said he believed that target could be reached before the end of the year “but that is entirely up to how the nation responds to this challenge”.

The third phase will come into force when 80 per cent of the eligible population is fully vaccinated. There is no target date for that.


SS: Less than 25% of Australians have taken both Convid Jab and this is why the Australian authorities are totally insane right now.

GW: Aussie Aussie Aussie – Go Go Go!

5 -11-20: WEF: Fewer people say they would take a COVID-19 vaccine now than 3 months ago

Boycott Starts: Video-Megan Rapinoe Kicking Balls For Subway Brand After Complaining About Unfair Treatment


8-06-21: Frontier Airlines will require employees to get vaccinated or regularly take Covid tests

12-08-21: Delta Airlines American Airlines & South West Airlines say they will NOT mandate shots


GW: Well no-one will be flying Frontier Airlines then unless they like falling out of the sky as that pilot did in West Sussex yesterday.

Two die after plane crash in West Sussex

A 65-year-old and a 58-year-old died in the incident just north of Goodwood Airfield,

Pinned by Sanity 4 Sweden

In the UK the media keep changing the number of who took the shot, one day its 66% then a day later its 90% .. they’re trying to make skeptics feel like the odd one out..

Louise Day
well you have behavioural scientists organising all the steps, the gaslighting creates confusion.. increasing anxiety which makes people willing to do whatever they must to relieve the anxiety

stumble leiner
Had the same in Ireland, we were just over half and then 2 weeks later suddenly 92%! (Bear in mind I’m making up following numbers as I can’t remember the details, it was either 1.5 billion or 3.5, if anyone has further info please let me know) There was a video about this I saw some weeks ago, worldwide we went from 3.5 billion shots in several months, to an additional 500 million in only a fortnight. I can’t remember the source unfortunately, I think it was on bitchute.

peter yam yam 54 rimmer
i had one shot had a blood clot left lung my doctor said just bad luck i ask you

Yes as an Australian I urge people’s to do your own research risk analysis and how it is for you and your family. Don’t worry about pressure either way so you are not in a flock of sheep running off a cliff because every else thinks it’s a great idea. Do your own due diligence be suspicious when medical professionals cannot even get a food pyramid correct. The current one will kill you as it nearly did me a year ago. My confidence in the status quo in 21 is very very shaken across all fields.

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