S4S: Pretty soon being able to ”Remember Stuff” will be a crime.

Published 12 August 2021

Just like 1984 by George Orwell.

Andrew Quomo has been forced to resign because of ”sexual misconduct”.  What about that other leader that the US has?  Maybe him too because of his habit of ”touching young girls”.

These totalitarian guys want us to forget about it right – but we don’t.  Yeah [[[they]]] just want you to forget what [[[they]]] have said in the past and just be scared of [[[them]]] because what [[[they]]] said in the past is turning out not to be true.  [[[They]]] lied.

If you think we are all going to burn from Climate Change and are scared then [[[they]]] control you.  Or if you are scared of the virus then this is how [[[they]]] control you.

About remembering stuff.  I am sure you remember they said the shot was ”totally safe” well it wasn’t and now [[[they]]] want you to forget about it.  But ask the EU Medicines Agency as they are now looking into THREE MORE SIDE EFFECTS from Pfizer & Moderna.

Last month Heart Inflammation was a confirmed side effect.

  1. The first new one is a skin disorder erythema multiforme which manifests as reddish purple skin lesions in various cavities – mouth eyelids etc.
  2. Then there’s the kidneys – inflammation of filters in the kidneys.
  3. This causes the kidneys to leak excess protein into the urine which makes it appear bloody or foamy.
  4. Other things could swollen eyelids, feet, and fatigue.

Now [[[they]]] said it was safe.  [[[They]]] knew it wasn’t safe and now [[[they]]] want all of us to forget about [[[them]]] saying it was safe in the first place.  And the same thing with Climate Change as [[[they]]] have a new report out and there’s something missing because [[[they]]] are not talking about any years this time.  You know [[[they]]] used to say things like ”It is 10 years” – ”We have 10 years”.  I don’t see it this time.

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