The agenda of Marxism is to take over the world (NWO) with a One World Government

Nearly everything we think we know about WW2 is a complete inversion of the truth.

They use this inversion to create sympathy for the real murderers and torturers to prevent and rational discussion and debate about the evidence and therefore the truth.

Russia was probably over 160 million they killed. Lowest estimate is about 66 million.

In both China and Russia they also used starvation. And they are planning that again, this time globally.


  • Communism came from Bolshevism.
  • Bolshevism from Marxism.
  • New York Capitalists funded the Bolshevik Communist “Revolution”!
  • It was not a “revolution” of the people. It was the takeover of Russia but a group that hated Russians (Solzhenitsyn).
  • Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same coin.
  • The aspects of Marxism taught in education is not the whole truth.
  • The agenda of Marxism is to take over the world (NWO) with a One World Government run by the ethnic group that Marx was part of and for the Luciferian religion that the leaders of Marxism such as Lenin secretly held to.

Consider this!
👉 Japan was fighting China before WW2 because Japan did not want Communism coming into Asia
👉 America especially and also Britain created a Cassus Beli when they blockaded Japanese ocean supply routes for fuel and oil. This would have made it an easy win for China against Japan. America FORCED Japan to attack Pearl Harbour. Other than suicide, America left Japan with no choice!
👉 Russia was a primary Ally in WW2, even after genociding tens of millions in preceding decades.
👉 China was only able to become Communist BECAUSE of the Allies
👉 Hitler did not “invade Poland” for land. He was on a mission to liberate the tens of thousands of Germans in Danzig that the Polish (mostly Jewish controlled) were butchering and beating to death, including women, children and even stabbing pregnant women in the stomach and raping them. The international community ignored numerous pleas from Hitler to look into this.
👉 Britain in a secret agreement with Poland say “keep going, we will have your back if HItler does anything”.
👉 Hitler did not want war. He made over 2 dozen GENEROUS peace offers to Britain that the world never heard about before and during WW2.
👉 Churchill, controlled by the JCS, forced war upon Germany
👉 Nuremberg Tribunal was kangaroo court. It was targeted ONLY against the enemies of the JCS Allies, especially Germans. Defendants were not allowed to submit evidence. No fewer than 146 defendants/witnesses had their testicles crushed as part of their torture for their “confessions” which were almost always false and scientifically impossible. Nuremberg did not care about truth, it’s foundational constitution stated: “This tribunal shall not be bound on any normal technical rules of evidence”. Over 3/4 of the prosecution (about 2500) were Jews. Rules and charges were applied ex post facto.
👉 Despite numerous breaches of the Geneva convention and worse atrocities than Germany was even (falsely) accused of, they were never held to account for these war crimes.
👉 Jews (Judea) declared war on Germany in 1933 after Hitler kicked out the Rothschild’s banks and started Germany on the greatest economic recovery recorded in history!

This is part 1. Watch the entire series. You will be glad you did. It will fill in gaps for you and give you some excellent context for what is happening today.

For stating plain truth of history, liars, cheats and politically correct Marxist nonces will cry ad hominem like “Racist”, “Nazi”, “Fascist”, “Anti-Semite”, “Holocaust Denier”, but they will NEVER engage in open rational debate of the evidence. They don’t care about truth. They can’t debate otherwise their lies get exposed. So all they can do is make up false lying ad hominem and press the emotional buttons of the masses that have been programmed for decades.

Learn who you are not allowed to question and know who really rules over you!

Start with this series ‘Europa – the last Battle’. It will really open your eyes to the deeper level.

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