Ferguson’s Code and Other Matters

The most hilarious thing I heard about Ferguson and his modelling code was it was a single line of code basically The Sims. This line of code Ferguson had been constantly editing and trying to fix for a decade, which is very bad practice. A whistle blower at imperial college said they were so used to getting different answers from the same input they started taking a random mean. When Ferguson and his code came to attention microsoft sent in a team of programmers to try and bring this line of code under control.

An ex google coder examined Ferguson’s code here


Ferguson’s code here


To be able to medicate with pharmaceuticals all illness needs to be catalogued so that is what they do. When ‘HIV’ first appeared it had one symptom which was immunodeficiency. Since this, thanks to Fauci many more symptoms are now attached to ‘HIV’ and ‘AIDS’ these include raised temperature (fever) sore throat, body rash, tiredness, joint pain, muscle pain, swollen glands, weight loss, chronic diarrhoea, night sweats, skin problems, recurrent infections, serious life-threatening illnesses. This allows a broad range or toxic effects to be put onto HIV and AIDS allowing the miss classification and the use of very toxic treatments for many causes.

The same thing was done with ‘Bovine spongiform encephalopathy’ this then allowed them to connect human brain injury ‘Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease’, (probably caused by heavy metal poisoning or some other made made toxin) to BSE and so doctors can have their circle squared and pharmaceuticals can be assigned.

It is interesting to note that many pharmaceuticals in use for one condition were originally created for one condition and were subsequently found to have a side effect that treated the SYMPTOMS of another condition. Basically they are creating chemicals and throwing them about to see what they do, often finding later they have devastating consequences.


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