Sheep Farm 8 | Meet The Flockers | Matt Hancock MP

sheepfarmstudios – Published 23 March 2021

Was married to Martha Hoyer Miller –Martha comes from a line of nobility her grandfather was the first Baron Inchyra, who acted as British ambassador to West German from 1955 to 1956. While her great grandfather was the first Viscount Camrose.  Hancock & Cameron similar background and both attended a re-branded eugenics meeting.  Likes spending taxpayers’ money as well.  Remember his spending £50,000 on Bong Bong’s Filipino takeaways.  Just happened to get a job as an Economist at the BofE.  As you do. Strange about all the divorces and marriages in his family.

Hancock & Zahawi just happen to publish a book entitled ”Masters of Nothing” – just after WEF & Schwab tell us ‘‘You will own nothing and be happy”

Zahawi ‘closely linked to taxhaven-based companies.

Zahawi supposedly fled from Saddam Hussein penniless in 1976.



these politicians would sooner let us die from a non pandemic than be proven wrong in what they have done and the wrong decisions they have made and the cost of the coverup

More for Nuremburg 2.0 their will only be 40% of population after they’re all executed for crimes against humanity Death by Firing Squad 🙂
Reiner Fuellmich: “We Have The Evidence” | Apr 15, 2021

Asymmetric national devolution stinks. ‘UK’ Parliament… Hmmm… The West Lothian Question (it’s coming back, thanks to Michael Gove), the Barnett Formula – hated by its creator, the late Lord Joel Barnett. The UK’s largest and most ethnically diverse country, England, is underfunded and has no recognition nationally. Instead, the ‘UK’ Parliament accuses anybody who speaks up of racism (Good grief!!! Clever, eh?), and continues to kow-tow to the fake white Celtic myth of the other countries (dating from the 1700s) and the Marxist oppressed/oppressor historical myths of their nationalists as they demand more and more. Every time I see Boris or Whitty or whoever standing in front of that Union flag to make ‘covid’ dictates, I want to throw a brick at the telly – knowing, elsewhere, it’s nowhere onscreen as the leaders of Scotland and Wales make THEIR covid dictates. The ‘UK’ is a sham. And divide and rule in England is the best weapon ‘our’ politicians have to ensure the ‘UK’ Parliament in its present form clanks on and their snouts stay in the trough.

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