Hotel in Cornwall forced to fish out garden bench and furniture from swimming pool after ”guests” go on rampage.

GW: The ”persons unknown” are more than likely working for the Government/Intelligence Services imho. Just like all those ISIS-Jihadist-LoneGun Operatives-Bombers of old. It’s quite clear that the ”British” Controllers of this Emerald Island are trying to trash every effort by the voting electorate and the SBO to try to make life ”normal” for themselves and their families and to earn a living. The only ones who are supposed to have any kind of normality at the moment are the Political Classes (Such as Air Miles Alok) and the Globaaaaalists (Such as Branson and Sean Doyle) who pay them. Everybody else is supposed to stay home and just shut up obviously. Furthermore this hotel is privately owned and has operated since 1984 and is classified as a ”small business”. Sticking in the craw of those greedy hedge funders & venture capitalists – no doubt – just waiting to pounce on them. Disgusting!

the metro link

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