S4S: Brilliant Angry Canadian Doctor | IPCC Publish a New Climate Report

Angry Canadian Doctor

Pinned bySanity 4 Sweden
Obama is so concerned with climate change and rising sea levels that he bought a 12 million dollar home ON THE WATER in Martha’s Vineyard. Must be excruciating for him to ponder the future eh?

Edgar Foerster
The best thing about Dr.Roger Hodkinson is his record speaks for itself. They can censor him but they can’t discredit him.

Peter Renfors
“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed, they must rely exclusively on force”George Orwell

You have to know this: the climate plandemic, the medical plandemic, and the cyber plandemic are all connected.

If the sea is rising, why can we still walk to St Michaels mount at low tide. Why when we look at very very old photos of beaches do they look identical levels as today. Why have none of the islands Al Gore promised us would vanish by now still above water and haven’t changed. “Climate is changing faster than predicted”.... Oh? You predicted the ice caps would be gone by now….

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