31 July 2021: 6 Pakistani men were sentenced for the murder of English 20-year-old, Bradley Gledhill on the streets of Batley in West Yorkshire, UK

Those sentenced were:

  1. Usman Karolia (20) from Batley, who was sentenced to life with a minimum  21 years to serve in prison for the murder of Bradley, 18 years for attempted murder and five years for Section 18 assault.
  2. 2. Ahmed Karolia (24) from Batley who was sentenced to life with a minimum 16 years in prison for murder and 14 years for attempted murder.
  3. 3. Nabeel Naseer (18)  from Dewsbury who was sentenced to life with a minimum 11 years in prison for murder and eight years for attempted murder.
  4. 4. Raja Nawaz, 19, Longfield Road, Heckmondwike was sentenced to a minimum of 12 years in prison for murder.
  5. 5. Irfan Hussain (17)  from  Batley, was sentenced to life with a minimum 11 years for murder and 10 years for attempted murder.
  6. 6. Nikash Hussain (17) from Dewsbury was sentenced to life with a minimum 10 years to serve for murder.

Bradley was fatally injured in an affray incident in the street during the evening of Sunday 21 June.

The court heard that the 20-year-old and his two friends and come across their attackers by chance with no evidence existing to suggest a meeting had been planned or of there being any prior contact between the two groups.

Police and paramedics attended, but despite treatment including first aid from residents, Bradley did not survive his injuries.

Detective Chief Inspector Vanessa Rolfe of the Homicide and Major Enquiry Team, said: “This was an horrific offence in which a 20-year-old male has lost his life following an outbreak of violence in which knives were used.

“All three victims were seriously injured with Bradley paying the ultimate price in an incident which vividly demonstrates the dreadful human cost of knife crime. 

“Those involved continued to attack Bradley even after he had been wounded and was laid defenceless on the floor. We welcome the sentences imposed on them today for their roles in the joint enterprise murder of a male who, at 20-years old, had his whole life ahead of him.

“The victims did nothing to provoke the horrendous attack on them and officers left no stone unturned to identify and arrest those responsible for this senseless act of violence.

“Our thoughts are with Bradley’s parents and family and the other victims in this case.

“We know that the jailing of these individuals will never compensate for Bradley’s loss but we hope seeing them brought to justice may help bring them a measure of comfort and closure.”

Mr Gledhill’s mum Kelly Hubbard described her son as ‘well-loved’, ‘kind-hearted, funny and unique’ as she marked what would have been his 21st birthday last month.

CCTV footage of the incident

Describing the footage, prosecutor Peter Makepeace QC said:

  • The trio ran and split up when they were chased and Nawaz and the two youths continued the pursuit.
  • Mr Gledhill ran from the ginnel, then back and forth, but was eventually cornered by Nawaz and the youngest youth between a garden wall and two cars
  • The youngest youth gestured to Nawaz to tell him to ‘close off’ Mr Gledhill’s escape
  • As Mr Gledhill tried to escape, he was struck by the youngest youth and though he ran away a short distance he quickly went to the ground where he was set upon further
  • Nawaz stood over him and held him down to the ground as the rest except Naseer, came to him to kick, strike, stab or stamp on him
  • The youngest youth left a fingerprint on one of the cars during the incident. One of his kicks to Mr Gledhill’s head caused his cap to fly across the road. He also bent down to pick up Mr Gledhill’s mobile phone.
  • Ahmed Karolia started to ‘herd’ the ‘pack’ away
  • Mr Gledhill raised his shirt to check his wounds. He then perceived they were returning to him and struggled to get up and away, but to no avail.
  • Mr Hall drove away and Mr Ramsden ran after the car
  • “They turned around at the top of Park Croft and drove back to their friend. As they did so you will see residents of the street coming out to help Mr Gledhill. He tries to get up and tries to get into the car, but fails.”

Link to Article

GW: Thanks to Graham Moore for pointing out that not only is Batley a dangerous, gang ridden place, it is also home to a Pakistani Grooming Gang.  Surprise Surprise.  

DD: 2 August 2021: Patriot Down, Fred “Derf”. The world’s gone mad! or has it?

DD: See what happened to Ross McWhirter in 1975, well the Globaaalists are setting up the same system again.  Creating a group of curtain twitchers who will grass up their neighbours for a cash reward.

1975: TV presenter Ross McWhirter shot dead

Rumble — If you wish to send Fred a card.

Fred in Cambridge Ward,
William Harvey Hospital
Kennington Road, Willesborough, Ashford, Kent. ENGLAND.
TN24 0LZ

The Media Lie: watch this

and this video on Telegram

Blatant Election Fraud Evidence


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