TAP 28 June 2021: Matty boy is well invested in this – The drive for COVID-19 testing is just a smokescreen. Before COVID, the DNA sampling industry was limited to working on the medical samples to which it could gain access, together with voluntary DNA samples. COVID-19 PCR tests, undertaken by millions of people, have changed this dearth of DNA data to a flood of data. This has led to an explosion of related businesses ready to exploit this – US Company Illumina/ Grail – Bezos & Gates both are both invested in it/ the Wellcome Sanger Institute/ TwinsUK/ deCODE which is aligned with UK Biobank & which works with MHRA/ Amgen/ the Mayo Clinic & Genomics England — all of which overlaps with gene editing technology such as CRISPR. GW: So stealing our DNA & selling it on???

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