Daily Archives: June 18, 2021

@S4S – Frits Bakker: People dying after the shot. It is the modern version of human sacrifice. 8 hours ago776

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@DailyMail – Sammy918: It’s beyond irresponsible, not to mention stupid, to allow fully self-driven vehicles on the often congested, chaotic roads on most large cities in the US and elsewhere. I’m a software developer and there’s just no way to account for the infinite number of variables that one encounters driving a car on today’s roads and programmatically account for them in those systems. There should be regulations mandating that the driver’s attention be required (e.g. alerting the driver if their hands are off the wheel for a certain amount of time, which already exists in such systems offered by different car companies) so that those systems are not fully self-drive hands-free.

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@DailyMail 18 June 2021: THIRTY Tesla crashes including 10 deaths linked to assisted driver system are being investigated by U.S. safety agency

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@narrowpathministeries – 6 June 2021: Madison Marquette was trafficked for over a decade to individuals including the current “president” of the US. She rescues trafficked children now, and this is a heartbreaking current tale of one rescue at the US/Mexico border. – https://youtu.be/eTBxwuuAaFw

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@GatewayPundit 17 June 2021: Four Healthy British Airways Pilots Die in One Week – Airline Says No Link to Covid-19 Vaccine

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DM Reader Sarah_Roberts: Let’s face it, Boris will allow it to happen. He’s a hypocrite as we saw at G7 and he’s allowing Wimbledon, with full capacity crowd. Why should any of us follow any rules anymore?

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@DailyMail 18 June 2021: UEFA threat to strip UK of Euro 2020 final unless its VIPs are spared quarantine: Ministers are set to bow to football chiefs’ demands and let 2,500 in while millions of Brits are unable to holiday

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