Who are the Uighurs and why is the US accusing China of genocide?

Rights groups believe China has detained more than a million Uighurs over the past few years in what the state defines as “re-education camps”.  There is evidence of Uighurs being used as forced labour and of women being forcibly sterilised.

12 million Uighurs live in north-western China in the region of Xinjiang, officially known as the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR).

The Uighurs speak their own language, similar to Turkish, and see themselves as culturally and ethnically close to Central Asian nations.

They make up less than half of the Xinjiang population.
In recent decades, there’s been a mass migration of Han Chinese (China’s ethnic majority) to Xinjiang, and the Uighurs feel their culture and livelihoods are under threat.

Xinjiang lies in the north-west of China and is the country’s biggest region. Like Tibet, it is autonomous, meaning – in theory – it has some powers of self-governance. But in practice, both face major restrictions by the central government.

It is also rich in oil and natural gas and because of its proximity to Central Asia and Europe is seen by Beijing as an important trade link.

In the early 20th Century, the Uighurs briefly declared independence, but the region was brought under the complete control of mainland China’s new Communist government in 1949.

It follows reports that, as well as interning Uighurs in camps, China has been forcibly mass sterilising Uighur women to suppress the population and separating Uighur children from their families.

On his final day in office under the Trump administration, US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo said: “I believe this genocide is ongoing, and that we are witnessing the systematic attempt to destroy Uighurs by the Chinese party-state.”

A UN human rights committee in 2018 said it had credible reports the Chinese were holding up to a million people in “counter-extremism centres” in Xinjiang.


GW: Yep that is the way CCP deals with people who don’t fit into their version of The Matrix – Just put them in ”re-education camps,” sterilise the women & take the children.  Yet the DemonRats are happy to get into bed with the CCP – Kine Problem.  Thanks to ‘‘Johnny Exodice ‘ for the information. ”Know your Enemy my {NON-MASON} Citizen Populations….”

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