McA-TV: DeBlasio Threatens Jewish NYs / Treason At The Highest Levels!

McAllisterTV – 30 April 2020

Anna Krause
de blaahzio is ugly and evil, inside and out…

Keith Ehredt
The Clinton’s had to return all the white house furniture they stole when Bush took over. Why were they not arrested for that.

I heard they never did return it. But what about those files she stole from FBI of 400 people? She never did return them and could well be blackmailing them…

Shannon Cats
@Keith Ehredt – The day when Cankle’s and every last one of it’s clones are dead and stinking will be a great day.

Winona Mika
What do you expect from Arkansas trailer trash?

@wolvenwood I didn’t know about that.

IcePrincess Conn
@Keith they stole everything that wasn’t nailed down Trash. She said they were dead broke and in debt. Funny how couple months later they’re billionaires

Rose Quartz
@Winona Mika oh I think that they would not Arkansas trailer trash I think that there was something else the whole time

Jean Hawaii
It included George Washington’s china!

With respect to Keith’s comment and all of you that have lovingly responded … I “heard” (all rumor till proven) that POTUS/FLOTUS did something like $22,000,000+/- because of “alters”, and weird satanic stuff put behind walls … all kinds of craziness on “that” end of the “spectrum”... About “her” I remember the story of her stealing from the White House…. and being shamed into returning what she took… 🤷‍♀️

Bad Kitty
The WH was indeed blessed by 40 ministers, and pagan idols were removed at Melania’s request.

I also know they went into walls ceilings floors and redecorated everything to new and for a good reason. SPYING. They had to 100% debug the whole WH because they knew Obama, the 3 letter agencies, and Obamas allies had been spying on everyone for years. Whatever you have seen the bad guys in movies of political espionage doing, that is what this Obama/Clinton/Bush era regime was doing regularly. It’s how they rolled. You don’t get into the DNC circles because you are lucky, you have to be recommended by one of “them” it’s like a cult. Once you reach the inner circle, you never leave except in a coffin. A swell bunch eh? Anyway it was far too risky for anyone to be in there after those guys left. I’m pretty sure they found some things too since they held secret meetings in the ‘situation room’ only a while.

dot calm

Perry Smith
Who would want to set n any chair Smelly paints set n ? 💩👀😷🙈

Michael Antoniotti
They stole couches and chairs that were over 300 years old. Grand theft larceny and not even a slap in the face!!

I’m going to write “The ones selling the panic are the same ones selling the vaccine” on a white t-shirt, and wear anywhere that a mask is required.

Carol Raccio
@JRRnotTolkien Great idea ! Do it.

Karen Munsey

Bob A
@JRRnotTolkien I’m writing on a mask “ I’m NOT a DR. But I play one IRL”

Documentary Magic
Make some extras for us, ok? 😉

Gizzy Speaks
Love that idea!!


LulLu Bell Jingles
I guess when you lose a loved one then you can panic

C. Lacy
I just shared that tweet, we should all definitely get shirts.

Laura H
Mask is required at Costco starting Monday.

Cheyenne Hummingbird
JRRnotTolkien Emergency Tribunal Hearing corona planetary shutdown.

betty davis
@Documentary Magic They’d sell like hotcakes!

betty davis
@Laura H Don’t shop there.

Send me the link… I’ll support… gladly 🇺🇸

L Laman
ME 2 Me 2 !! OMGOD WE THINK ALIKE ! That’s NICE ! Let’s DO IT !

Annie Gillespie
I just posted that on Facebook but I gave you credit. What a great slogan we need to make this viral!

I’ll definitely buy some, if I survive this pandemic (I’m old with health issues)

Hillary”s button is gonna fly off those pants and put someones eye out!

and her depends are going to drop down and drown someone’s dog

Teri Badeau
Bill Gates did Not allow his children to be vaccinated! Tells me everything I need to know!!

A Vapor
I tweeted Bill Gates and told him I’ll be happy to take his vaccine when I see him and his whole family take it.

Molly Davis
They didn’t dumb us all down. Something tells me most of us are the ones that have the system problems in school,…in life in general. I think it was Q that said,..”if your considered a troublemaker,….then your probably doing it right” 🐸

MY Sister says, “BOOM!!!” 🎉 (virtual elbow bump … is there even an emoji for that? 🤷‍♀️ —–> “L” + 🏹 = Toyota Corolla veeris “thing”.

Vlogging With Heather
I’m distance teaching my children the public school curriculum and let me tell you something is not right here. They are in school 8am – 3pm and I don’t know what they are doing all day because what I am doing at home is supposed to be the same and we are getting done in an hour and 30 mins every day and my children are retaining so much more. Also I see what they are teaching them for social studies and have this new benefit of not teaching them much of what they indoctrinate in them that is a lie. I am looking for some encyclopedia Britannicas the real old ones that have real history. What other history rich books do y’all recommend for 8 and 9 yr old. Thanks I won’t be sending them back this fall we have decided to home school without their curriculum.

L Laman
My Chicago elementary teachers called me a RING LEADER bc we got caught on TV NEWS watching a Giraffe being born at Brookfield ZOO on a Tuesday was free day my parents let us cut school to go to the ZOO : ) and I had a couple of friends with me : )

Merry Heart Enterprises AKA – Tana Baggett
Quote: “Punching them and punching them until I’m exhausted and then I’ll take a nap and start all over again…!!!” I’m laughing out loud as I type this…

The extraness bestest mostest everest 💯🙌

MNZGA 57unicorn
They’re still telling their lies coz they’re registered as “entertainment companies” rather than “news companies”. it’s this law that needs to be fixed. If a company is acting like a news company then they must register as a news company. Thankyou and God bless you. The CIA are NOT allowed to undertake activities inside the US…just outside…..This law needs to be fixed too….It needs to be fixed to the point of being taken down and out forever. The US CIA is equal to the Chinese CCP. POTUS will have grounds to exclude ALL nonregistered news companies from his Briefings rather than pretending that they are news companies…he can exclude all entertainment
companies from his briefings.

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