The Democrats Impeachment Is Doomed & All But Guaranteed That Trump Will Win 2020

The Houndog
22 December 2019

Captain Dallas
Their justification for impeachment is based purely on a hatred of Trump.

indigo jones
It’s worse Dallas- this is a failed coup! They hate him because he cannot be bought or bribed or blackmailed. Not that he is perfect- hardly a boy scout- But realize that this would NEVER have happened if another Bush or another “politician” in the repub party had won. Trump is not one of the club and he is trying to drain the swamp- their gravy train of corrupt money laundering. He’s not Like Biden and, Pelosi’s son was doing the same thing in Ukraine under the Burisma/Soros funded “Atlantic Council”: $7.5 Billion in aid- gone.

Justina Oska
Everywhere the same… in my country Poland also: the “totally opposition” (liberals) to the conservative government, stooped low to the level, that it is just embarrassing to look at or to hear to them… whatever they say in the public about the government, whenever they attack the government – just shamefully and absolutely stupid

Charles Ponzi
They don’t care who wins as long as we the people are emotionally charged and give life to their political system–a system that is designed to enslave us through our own consent.

Mick Bawn
Nasty Peluka rambling like a mad woman because she knows it’s all bollocks, there is no impeachment and chairman “smelly Nadger” knows it too! They had a so called “hearing”. Which involved dems only behind closed doors, and this is the best they could do ? Aaaaah feck off!

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