The Houndog
25 December 2019

GW: Video now unavailable? That sure was quick JubeTube.

Stewart Mcleod
We have a fifth column that operates in all western governments hence the carbon tax that only attacks the wests ability to feed itself and the shenanigans against Brexit.(edited)

The Houndog
Absolutely… hidden from view behind a veil of bureaucracy!

Reluctant Recluse
Merry Christmas from Mississippi !!

The Houndog
Thanks! I hope you are well!

sam kim
Merry Christmas Steve I didn’t believe in Magic Since i found out Epstein killed himself in the high security jail. This is the big magic in 2019. MainStream media maybe they’re going to blame Russia and China for it. Happy new year to you and your Family 🌹👍

The Houndog
I know what you mean…. magic is what it was alright! Merry Christmas to you and your family too! Be well Sam.

Catherine Graham
Happy new year Houndog Steve, I want you to have the best year ever and please keep gathering the most important news for us. 😉❤️👍

The Houndog
Thanks Catherine……. There is so much out there and so much going on sometimes it`s hard to know what to cover first! All the best for the New Year! Be well.

Flying turtle New world
Luv,truth and peace,👍🏼❤️👌🧠👊🙏🏻. 🎄🎊🥳💐🍹 (edited)

The Houndog
I miss those Kentucky horse farms! Hope you have a Great Year!

blackbird garden
Seaons Greetings to you Steve. Thanks for that great year’s overview.

sam kim
Thanks Steve thank you have a beautiful 🎄 Christmas we all have a hope and for sure the change is coming🌹👍🌹✌️

A year of smears.

The Houndog
They`re lining up already! lol!

William Smith
Merry Christmas from a heavily Christmas kem trailed Harrisburg Pennsylvania

eamon thomas
Chemtrails if they’re on Trump’s list at all they must be near the bottom of his priorities doesn’t it tell us something about him? yes a very merry Christmas and a very happy new year to all the world’s long suffering defiled slandered libeled real Christians not the fake (c)hristian zionists.

William Smith
@eamon thomas There isn’t one political figure that will even touch the topic that I know of. I know it ain’t water.

@William Smith they’re all pretending they don’t exist. I see them here in France every day and am constantly amazed at how few people acknowledge that they are chem and not con trails.

The Houndog
Thanks Will…. they`re chem trailing above the clouds here, when there is a break you can see them…. Drives me nuts!

eamon thomas
@William Smith Yeah Will, the question is why? if Trump and Le Pen etc were the real people’s people why don’t they mention the chemicals they’re poisoning us with? they don’t even call us conspiracy theorists.

William Smith
@eamon thomas Here I must defend President Trump. He has his hands full with EVERYONE working against him. I’m gonna give him a pass on this issue and hope he takes 2020 because things are much better economically than I’ve seen in 12 years or more. Time will tell. Meanwhile all anyone can do is get poisoned

eamon thomas
@William Smith Yes Will just imagine if the sorceress had’ve been elected we wouldn’t be able to say these things but i’m very glad Pres,Trump is POTUS but there are no passes on anything especially Israel’s torture of Palestinians, and their control of the US politic’s you can’t turn a blind eye evil.

Hope you are having a good Christmas. Thanks for all the interesting talks – keep up the good work. It is much appreciated.

The Houndog
Thanks so much!

Jan S
Merry Christmas Steve, I enjoy your vids, greetings from Holland

The Houndog
Dank u wel Jan! I lived in Amsterdam for 2 years working before I came to Canada.. I love your Country and its people!

William Rutter
Well done Steve, merry Christmas, big thanks here in the UK, contributing to the Brexit effort, keep up the good work, I will be watching your next video’s and sharing them with my friends and family.

The Houndog
Thanks William….. Lots of stuff happening! Merry Christmas!

Might be a good idea 💡 to have a CB RADIO around the house /car. Somewhere. Solar panel and a charging system.

The Houndog
I have a CB base station and big antenna as well as a wind up SW radio and a solar panel with a USB Port….. Gotta think ahead..… You don`t want to be buying this stuff as the emergency is unfolding!!!! Be well!

Valdemar Lybecker
Marry Christmas 🎄 Enjoying your thoughts whenever you post👍🏻 Greetings from Denmark 🇩🇰

Karen Mars
Merry Christmas Steve and a Happy New Year to you. Greetings from Liverpool UK.

Pablo Pina
Merry Christmas, 3 year kitchen renovation lol. (edited)

paul crosbie
20/20 vision isn’t that on the new economist cover. Merry Christ-mass and exciting new year.

The Houndog
Hi Paul, yep you`re right, an eye chart. I always look at that cover closely.. lots of clues!

Matthew Cunningham
Merry Christmas Steve and thanks for another great video, from Devon, England 👍

The Houndog
Thanks Mathew. It`s great to hear from you. Merry, Merry!

Leslie Kime
Merry Christmas from county Durham, England.

william quinn
And from South Tyneside

The Houndog
Merry Christmas…. My Aunt used to live in Crook, Co Durham.. a beautiful and rugged part of England!

Bill Walles
Merry Christmas from LA !

The Houndog
Hope you have a Great Christmas and new Year!
5 days ago

John Haller
Thanks so much for all that you do, Mr Houndog. You are a tenacious warrior for all that is worthy in this world. May we all benefit from that and help forward that cause together. Thanks again, wishing you a happy new year.

Devastated crops world wide are being done purposely …. can you say weather modification? Solar minimum and they are spraying the skies daily.

The Houndog
These people are idiots….. where do they think they are going to run to??????

Vivien Bailey
Merry Christmas Steve. Thanks so much for all your informative videos over the year. 👍💕🎄🎁 God Bless all the best for the New Year 🙌🙏

Brigitte Jost
Love your vids happy New year from Australia

Last Slave Standing
Thank you from Cornwall, UK

The Houndog
Thanks for joining the conversation! I love Cornwall… I`m originally from Southampton so I have visited your area a lot… Beautiful! Be well, Steve

Last Slave Standing
@The Houndog many thanks – have a great 2020!

Peter Cooper
Merry Christmas Mr Houndog been great this year from the Isle of Axholme uk

The Houndog
Thanks Peter and to you too…. I just did the Wiki search for your location… Very interesting. I lived in Lincoln for several years when I was young but had never heard of the isle of Axholme! Be well!

Peter Cooper
@The Houndog keep the great work up nd we hope Mr Trump get them soon and drains the swamp for all of us

Demetri Serrallonga
From Catalonia, Have a Merry Christmas Steve

The Houndog
Lots of things going on in Catalonia…… I hope things are okay for you. Merry Christmas Demetri!

john broadbent
My sentiments too. less is more Steve. But always enjoy your posts 2020 looks likely to be interesting Not as sure as you about Brexit though

The Houndog
Thanks…… Yes we will have to wait and see with Brexit……. I was exhausted by the process… lol!

The more youtube is seen to block channels etc the quicker a replacement to it will appear that cannot be controlled. Its just a matter of time..

John Axial
Merry Christmas to you and your family, what’s happening with britexit?

The Houndog
Merry Christmas John! I believe the Conservatives are re working the Deal…. i`m hoping because Boris is in a strong position that he will negotiate tough or pull out without a deal if necessary! We shall soon see!

John Axiak
@The Houndog I hope that the British economy doesn’t take a turn for the worst, I hope British people prosper

Brexit….The handing over of UK military to the EU Military Unification and the privitisation of everything that the public still own including the NHS to American corperations. Thatcherism on steroids! Pray for us!!!

The Houndog
I hope all of this works out! I will pray for you!

indigo jones
Hope your Christmas was great Steve! Loved the last “why everything is F*^^ed”. Then the ad before your vlog is a banker that looks like a 1950’s horror character! Boris Karloff or something. Was that 4 real?

Merry Christmas to you and yours Steve from New Mexico! we moved from Colorado to a small ranch here. there is a lot to do but it’s freezing outside. i was hoping it would be warmer so we could get things done, but no luck. i am inspired by your gardening videos and hope to have a greenhouse soon. i wanted to let you know about the absolutely delicious organic CAMPARI tomatoes i found and will try to grow here. best tomatoes i have ever tasted!. Happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to you! (edited)

Next year is going to be a doozy. America (& England?) will either fall into Civil War- or, REVOLUTION. The traitors will be purged- the Constitution will be upheld. Canada is screwed, as long as Cuck Trudeau is in power..

Gorgon Don
Labour were destroyed by our owners. Johnson and the tories were hopeless. Why (((they))) kept him quiet while (((they))) used (((their))) media to destroy corbyns character and party. And the bewildered Brutish herd fell for it. And they, the majority, will pay. Dearly. The clock ticks.

Simon John
Ask former President Barack Obama if there is any danger in 12 years or beyond, from Climate Change from his $12million 29 acre beachfront property @ Martha’s Vineyard, he only bought back in August. (edited)

Fae Selja
And don’t forget to get Al Gore ‘s opinion from his seaside estate in Florida.

The Houndog
Too funny! I saw that. As Gerald Celente says, don`t listen to what they say, watch what they do!

Simon John
@The Houndog A cynic might say his and Al Gore’s comments over the last 15 years saying rising sea levels will threaten beachfront properties, some could be under 20 feet of water, might have an effect of lowering the price of beachfront properties in the USA. Some might conclude he was abusing their position of power for personal profit, which is malfeasance in public office.

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