S4S:CANADIAN Mike Ward Punished for a Joke on Stage / Migrant Student Complaints

9 December 2019

GW: Mike Ward got into trouble because he just happened to pick on a protege of tptwtb – This guy sings for Celine Dion & is friends with the Pope. Hmmm.  Well?

As for migrant complaints about having to learn Swedish – It’s the national language of the country they emigrated to ffs!!!!!  Can’t find the exact article but found this.  Apparently they learn just enough Swedish to say ”I’m not listening to you – you’re a woman.

“One of my girls cries at night and wants us to go to our trailer because she’s so scared. And we cannot tell them to stop either, out of fear for revenge. They will put trash in our letterboxes or attack my children even more when I’m not around. Or, if you tell them to stop, they show a lot of attitude. As an adult, to get spat upon in the face and being told “I’m not listening to you because you’re a woman” and to be called words I never use, that is extremely offensive. It might sound strange for someone who has not experienced it, but you kind of lose everything when a child does such things to you and you don’t know what to do”, Malin says….

Sweden: Muslim migrant children beat and threaten to rape Swedish children, tenant union warns of xenophobia

I have dealt with similar in the past. I have just said ”Sit down & shut up” and they have done so much to my surprise.

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