Petition 229963: ”Leave the EU without a deal in March 2019” now stands at 347,667 signatures

Dr Hope, London, United Kingdom,
No Deal the best Deal !!! The EU is a financial mess and will collapse. Italics, Greece, Spain plus others suffering financially !!! Deutsche Bank is broke !!! The EU institution is rotten to the core !!!

null, United Kingdom,
Bye! Should have been a cabinet reshuffle and the dead wood removed long ago….

locosmanager, Inverurie, United Kingdom,
Why wait – resign NOW!

Boethius, Manchester, United Kingdom,
Ruling out No Deal is insane as it hands a blank cheque to the EU.

Hadwyn, The Kingdom of Anglia, United Kingdom,
Try threatening to resign if you don¿t get your way in the private sector, the PM should take a leaf out of the CEO playbook and tell anyone who makes threats will be fired.

Golfpro, Liverpool, United Kingdom,
Why would you rule out not deal brexit? Without it the eu will not renegotiate and we will be left in the backstop forever as a vassal state and give the eu 39 billion quid for the privilege!

Mr Sceptical, Aylesbury, United Kingdom,
Nigel Farage yesterday in his usual matter of fact way spelled it out to the EU to their faces what May should have been doing for last 18 months. With the EU big wigs a few feet from him he suggested the UK leaves on a no deal WTO basis under article 24 which gives 2 years to keep the status quo for trade with no tariffs or barriers and no NI backstop. I may be a leaver who obviously is thick and never new what i was voting for but why is this option NOT HIGHLIGHTED and considered. Brexit would be delivered, the EU and UK still trade and 2 years to negotiate a new free trade deal like Canada +. The £39B can be banked until such time as a deal is agreed and then only pay a reasonable price not blackmail money. The remain lib dems masquerading as Cons in cabinet and back benchers should resign if they cant accept the democratic mandate they all stood on. May should resign or follow Farages suggestion and then resign to let new blood in to No 10 who can actually win the next election.

Spiritfire, London,
“‘I would want to see what proposals are there. I have always thought when you have a 52-48 result in the referendum you must have a deal that respects the fact that it was close, tries to bring the country together.’ ” That is not how democracy works. To satisfy the Remainers, the deal would not be Brexit. Leaving won. It therefore requires the UK to LEAVE the EU. Not be half in half out which satisfies nobody and which is not democracy. Clarke is a buffoon who clearly does not understand what democracy is about. No leave voter voted for a deal, none voted for the economy, nor voted for jobs. They voted for freedom from all EU institutions. The remainers say that no one voted to be poorer but in fact the leave voters accepted that there might be 500,000 unemployed and financial armageddon. No one believed if of course yet the remainers made such a thing about it that they cannot now claim that people did not know that this might occur! NO DEAL is the way forward.

Think it say it, Ashford, United Kingdom,
Why are people so thick!! If the EU dictatorship won’t do a deal then by the very definition it has to be no deal!!! Ppppppppp!!

f t eu, Broken Britain, United Kingdom,
Why have grieve and Cooper not resigned they where totally embarrassed. Same as this clown. all mouth and no action. Others have quit on principle. Just do it no threats. Or is the appeal of the gravy train too much to lose.

My Head Really Hurts, Stokesley, United Kingdom,
Remoaner departure…..GOOD. Fill the Cabinet with true patriots who are real Brexiteers

Old dave, Sunderland, United Kingdom,
Mrs May won’t sack the remainer members of the cabinet she needs them to back her pro EU deal when it comes back to parliament next month.

Cannock Dave, Mars, United Kingdom,
GO NOW you Remoaner Traitor, Making Threats is a Bull Boys Trait, RESIGN RESIGN RESIGN You GUTLESS Traitor to Democracy, The Fra ud squad should arrest you and the REST Who got their Job and Salary on the “Pretence” you would carry out Brexit, You are Obtaining Taxpayers money under FAL SE Pretences../,

mal5026, london,
Sack them now!

beefman, newcastle upon tyne, United Kingdom,

Optimist1, Faringdon, United Kingdom,
It can only be a good thing if the negative Remainers resigned. They are not fit for purpose as don’t believe or support Brexit and as it was a decision by the people are being very undemocratic in how they continually try to thwart us leaving the EU. They just don’t see what they are doing is wrong and that is the issue.

Graham Ellis, Southampton,
You load of thick bast*rds, the NO deal option is our trump card in negotiations. So shut up and back TM all the way.

Mr Sceptic, Basingstoke, United Kingdom,
We need to walk away now and let the EU come to us, and if they don’t it’s a win win situation. If remainer MPs resign in an attempt to stop Brexit, TM should call a GE to close Parliament until after 29 March.

William angry , Leeds, United Kingdom,

Robineff, Hampshire,
The Augean Stables could do with a flush out.

John, Woodbridge, United Kingdom,
They won’t cut their pay check voluntarily We voted out, that means no deal

Bbop, Dancing, United Kingdom,
How can they rule out the WTO deal if that is the default by law, a law they voted for and enacted by a majority decision? Is this just another example of minorities forcing majority decisions to be ignored/overturned? It doesn’t look good for the future if this is now a standard practise!

BringBackValues, Escaping the Eu-rinal, United Kingdom,
Bye bye Remoaners. Just melt away like the snowflakes you are.

Winterfell, Morpeth, United Kingdom,
Close the door on the way out, no one will miss you and take the odious Rudd with you, you’ll soon be replaced hopeful with a Brexit MP.

Doug, Rochdale, United Kingdom,
This was a simple referendum, the full facts have been in our faces for FIFTY YEARS. WE got the result that the people wanted and the cabinet should have been filled with leavers only.

SJ, London, United Kingdom,
Hot air – none of these muppets will resign

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hound-dog, London, United Kingdom,
Clarke is a bumbling wet fish. No loss there!

SPRING_HEELED_JACK, Brighton, United Kingdom,
I hope that’s a promise,it’s time to get rid of the back stabbing, slippery, pond life that are in the government. They should be replaced with a group of pro Brexit ministers,We all know who they are…

Kind intent, Cambridge, United Kingdom,
As all of our current MPs are masters at doing nothing I suggest we support them and allow the default No Deal to take effect. Then we will sort out who we want in Parliament.

stevebom, nottingham, United Kingdom,
If they all resign,nobody will miss them – good riddance.

Jon, Spalding, United Kingdom,
Can that useless article Greg Clark please leave govt. not bothered how, resignation or sacking as long as he goes. Total wet.

teflonboy, outer edge, United Kingdom,
No deal is in law as per Article 50 and was triggered by nearly 500 MP”s. If they renege on that it will be the biggest failure in our democratic history within the uk in modern times, and will affect every uk resident as democracy will have failed and be irrelevant.. Remember the whole world is watching what is happening in parliament and in the EU and the negotiation between the both is poor at best and they are playing games with people’s lives and business. They all need to grow up.

Cobblers_, Northampton, United Kingdom,
A remainer exodus is what we all want. Please do it.

Kind intent, Cambridge, United Kingdom,
The only thing that will ensure that the EU reconsider is the fact that No Deal is on the negotiating table.

Mr Sceptic, Basingstoke, United Kingdom,
Indeed, but the remainers know this. We need to walk away now, and if the remainer MPs resign in an attempt to stop Brexit, TM should call a GE and close Parliament meaning No Deal will happen as there is no one in power to stop it.

Cristinni, Bezier, France,
Threats, threats and more threats. When are these self-righteous, opinionated prigs going to jump? The sooner the better for all concerned. The government has had two & a half years to prepare for a ‘No Deal’ and I seem to recall an article that stated, millions have been set aside in the event of a ‘No Deal’.

John, Newport,
Good, please go, the sooner the better. Perhaps then The Brexit voters WANTED will not be sabotaged by Remoaners & will FINALLY leave on WTO Terms.

Kind intent, Cambridge, United Kingdom,
The list for deselection at the next election grows longer.

spinless, Glasgow, United Kingdom,
interesting thought !–Complex and complicated proposals for Parliament to legislate and equally complex and complicated amendments to those proposals are voted on either with a “Yes” or “No” by MPs a straight forward binary choice. Yet no MP who lost by voting Yes ever stands up and claims that he lost because those MPs who voted No did so because they did not really understand the complexities of the Proposal or the Amendments.——-But the Remainer MPs have spent 2.5 years claiming precisely that about the Brexiteers who voted to leave in the 2016 Referendum–a binary vote. O deary deary me !!!

ChrisJackson11, Preston, United Kingdom,
An Old Saying, Careless talk costs lives!. Not Only does he want to undermine the UK in crucial negotiations as the Business Minister he wants to brief the opposition he is ready to surrender the UK on Any Terms. Whatever our future we must Ensure that Most if Not All MPs and Civil Servants like Robbins are awoken from their arrogant complacency and removed from office ASAP. Time for people who respect the role and honour the wishes of the Democratic Majority of the Electorate.

Kind intent, Cambridge, United Kingdom,
Why is he business secretary if he cannot see that withdrawing no deal would stop the EU from further negotiations?

F.S., Blackburn, United Kingdom,
Just let everyone know which constituency they represent, so we can vote them Out the next time there’s an election …

Birchwood, Swanley, United Kingdom,
It says everything about these cosseted, living in a bubble politicians that they don’t understand the first thing about negotiation.

Marvin Jones, London, United Kingdom,
What a fantastic way to get rid of all the dead wood all at once. No need for their constituents to wait for the next election to rid the government of useless asinine money grabbers. Then replace them with Brexiteers.

Commonsense20, London, United Kingdom,
May increased her negotiating hand last Tuesday, now the idiot remainers need to keep that hand strong and stop opening their stupid mouths for a while to allow May to use her stronger negotiating hand. Thank god these remainer Mps and ministers are not responsible for sticking deals in industry, they could not negotiate to save their lives, because they don’t understand they have to have a negotiating hand. All they want to do is take away any Aces the PM has to stop Brexit. If they think the public don’t know that, they are even thicker than I thought and they will pay at the next election.

James Obrien for PM, Reality, United Kingdom,
More than 16 million voters are watching and will have their revenge

Union Jack Jeremy, Glasgow, United Kingdom,
Oh its 11am…next installment of project fear will be on the socialist news channels soon…apparently we will run out of water and fresh air in a no deal brexit…

Boadicea, East Anglia, United Kingdom,
Good! Let them go … it will save sacking them after Brexit! Replace them with true Leavers, there is no shortage of suitable replacements out there !

Emily Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom,
Great! Bring in JRM for Treasury.

Old sailor, Minesapint,
Message for Clark, Rudd, Gauke and any more of your mates, stop waffling, stop threatening, stop bleating, and just do it, resign. There I’ve said it, now all you have to do is find your spine and go join the greens or labour.

Union Jack Jeremy, Glasgow, United Kingdom,
Many die-hard remainers are still sitting in the stadium hours after the final whistle staring into nowhere and wondering why their team lost the FA Cup Final….wakey wakey its over…go down the pub and have a beer or fizzy water or something…

F.S., Blackburn, United Kingdom,
Well Said Sir

Dave, Southampton, United Kingdom,

May doesn’t need any Remainers in her cabinet at a time like this! She would have nothing to lose by declaring no deal now.

Wellington, The Right Place, United Kingdom,
Give us a date, Greg , and we’ll be there to help carry both you and your stuff out. No worries.

SPRING_HEELED_JACK, Brighton, United Kingdom,
De Gaulle never wanted us in the club from the beginning, he wanted a catholic empire stretching from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Ural Mountains in the east. It was the Germans who let us in, probably because of guilt..

mplies, Fenland, United Kingdom,
The cabinet all third choices, Good riddance to bad rubbish ,.OND

AmeliaPond, London,
I have a dream: we get a “no deal” Brexit so our economy is free to thrive released from the shackles of the EU; both Labour and the Tory party are wiped-out at the next General Election being replaced by a genuinely democratic party; consequently the “Great” is put back into Great Britain.

Hugh, wales, United Kingdom,
I cannot believe the audacity of some of these so-called Ministers. If the EU continue with their hardball no renegotiation strategy then we are facing a No Deal scenario. What do they expect the PM to do then? She cannot force the EU to come to the table. So, despite being full of your own self-importance what are you whingeing Ministers going to do for the country that pays your fat salaries etc. Start supporting the PM and if it is a No Deal, so be it.

eloracbmulp, Manchester, United Kingdom,
The best news I’ve heard all week. Out with remainers. In with Brexiteers. Perhaps then we can get a deal,or not from Brussels. One way or another.

Union Jack Jeremy, Glasgow, United Kingdom,
So embarrassed for these remainers….they keep losing but still stamping their feet and winging….get over it move on and realize most people in this country don’t give 2 hoots what you say…

Teuchtar1, Dundee, United Kingdom,
Why is he a government minister if he cannot accept collective responsibility. Who is he anyway. Frankly these Remainers are becoming a one track record – it has to be our way or no way. Frankly he should resign both his post in the government and his seat and fight it as a bye-election on a remain in the EU ticket. He fought on a manifesto which said we are leaving the EU.

Robin of Dorset, Christchurch, United Kingdom,
Parliament could do a lot of things in a day but as we have seen, they cannot agree on what democracy looks like despite 2.5 years to do so, there is no chance of them changing primary legislation in a day not even if they all agreed to the principle as some one will want their moment in the sun and submit an amendment or two.

David_from_San_Diego, San_Diego_California_USA, United States,
Remainer exodus from the Cabinet? What a fantastic idea!

Right to Speak Out, cardiff,
And still these idiots aren’t listening. They still think they know best just like Tony Blair, who has been quoted as saying Brexiteers are like armchair football bosses who think they know better than the manager. The common strand is that they continue to sneer down their noses at both the electorate and democracy, not to mention the party under which manifesto they were elected, which promised to respect the referendum decision. Their constant backstabbing and undermining has gone too far and they will pay the ultimate price at the next election. In the meanwhile rot on the back benches because nobody much cares about you!

Roger Tend, London, United Kingdom,
The EU knows no deal won’t happen.

Go get em Floyd, Funky Town, United Kingdom,
Let them go.

bluechip99, Exeter, United Kingdom,
Resign and go now, it will be the only time you have earnt the title ‘Honourable Member’

crisser, Manchester or thereabouts, United Kingdom,
Will no one rid me of these turbulent ministers?

Woody Eckerslike, Sheerness, United Kingdom,
If remainders leave the government, why is that not a cause for celebration?

surlysuzy, London, United Kingdom,
What does Greg Clarke know about real life in modern-day Britain? He lives in Royal Tunbridge Wells which has no resemblance to so many of our towns and cities now!!

bb512, Doesitmatter, United Kingdom,
Please, all of you remainers just leave, go, resign. We don’t need you in government. Best place for you lot is somewhere in Europe. Bon voyage!

toryboytony, Chester, United Kingdom,
Are they resigning as MPs??? No…they are not, so this means absolutely sweet FA to be honest. These people refused to accept the result of the referendum from the beginning…labelling those who voted leave stupid. Ket them resign their jobs as MPs….most will not be reselected to stand in their constituency anyway.

minesa99, London, United Kingdom,
Only inept, stupid and ignorant people can rule out No Deal. 1. It’s the default starting position for Brexit. 2. It’s our leverage against those idiots in the EU. 3. It’s ultimately what most people voted for in the referendum!

matt, Chester, United Kingdom,
Lemming..sit down for this. You have no leverage. You are at the mercy of Brussels. You took back control..sorry..laughing now..

phough, london, United Kingdom,
Let’s just get the leaving done. Anyone who doesn’t agree with leaving resign and move on. It’s over, if they ever have another referendum then see what that brings. It’s been 36 years between referendums, far too long to fester without any representation from parliament

Nnull, londinium, United Kingdom,
Rule out a no deal and you are giving the eu the wrong message you numpty.why didn’t you start moaning when mrs may said a no deal is better than a bad it was and is a possibility

plebrule, nottingham, United Kingdom,
Mrs May beware the Ides of March is nearly upon you, cleanse your table of these traitors who deny the will of the people.

Burridgezidane, Fareham, United Kingdom,
Then resign. We will not be blackmailed by cowards who take the voters silver then stab us in the back.

matt, Chester, United Kingdom,
Ffs don’t be do precious. Why are quitters such utter wimps.

OhDearMe, Edinburgh, United Kingdom,
Go then.

Roshea, Devon,
Bye, Bye, You are NOT Needed. Resign.

WTObrEXIT, Salford, United Kingdom,
Deselect them

oldwulf2000, West Midlands, United Kingdom,
In fairness to the 17.4m democratic majority, the “Remainer” ministers should have left the cabinet long ago.

DonkeyFan, Banbury,
You are very welcome to resign Mr Clarke .

phough, london, United Kingdom,
Let’s count how many resign, rudd was effectively sacked for Windrush protecting may. She hid in the garden shed for a while them re emerged as…….. Minister! Then she has been threatening to resign since, go on then good riddance.

athol, Norwich Great Britain, United Kingdom,
For a long time Rudd’s brother has run the EU public relations. At the time of the referendum he regularly appeared on TV extolling the virtues of the flawed EU. Rudd should not have been returned to the cabinet when there are more suitably qualified MPs on the back benches.

matt, Chester, United Kingdom,
In all fairness she should have a great crop of tomatoes this yr.

Titus Aduxus, Rome, Italy,
When is enough going to be enough and we get out of this idiocy once and for all?

bevis778, Luton, United Kingdom,
Mrs May, tell all conservative associations to de-select remainers, then call an election. We need MPs who want to get Brexit through, not ones who are using any trick to hand – ‘crashing out’, Irish bogeymen, parliamentary shenanigans – to thwart brexit or create BRINO, despite their wholly dishonest protestations of good faith.

TheOutlaw, JosieFromWales, United Kingdom,
Passed caring what the Cabinet think, we either Leave or we don’t, we should leave but have no say in the matter anymore.

WofferBigDog, Winchester, United Kingdom,

OhDearMe, Edinburgh, United Kingdom,
EU is broken, were getting out just in time.

WofferBigDog, Winchester, United Kingdom,
The sooner the traitors (Remainers), leave the Cabinet the better, they’re just dead weight trouble-makers out to prevent Brexit

cityboy, canterbury, United Kingdom,
For some reason these arrogant remainers think that they will be missed or are an asset, but it would be gone today forgotten about tomorrow.

VoiceOfReason, Canterbury, United Kingdom,
My Conservative MP has been excellent representing the majority Leave vote in this constituency and voting against the backstop. However, I’m sorry to say I will not vote for him again if it means Soubry, Boles, Rudd, Grieves, etc will remain in Parliament. I will not vote for a party which harbours these abhorrent individuals who lied to get themselves elected to a position of power, and then did all they could to defy the democratic vote. They need to be sacked. They need to be deselected. They need to be banned from the Commons.

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