“OUT of THIS WORLD” Saturn Cube🕋 PIZZA 🍕Peedoh Bear🐻80s Sitcom

EnterTheStars Reloaded
Published on 14 Sep 2018

In 1988, they were already programming us for their constructed reality. You have to see this to believe it. Pizza doesn’t get mentioned this many times in one episode when the episode has nothing to do with pizza. We also see the Saturn Cube Cult in full effect.

Barbara Alvstad
Truth in the movies, lies in the news

pocketsofthefutureWOW! Just Rematched ”Enemy of the State” & Guess what I found

*Note – Directed by Tony Scott..who jumped off a bridge & killed himself. Yet another suicide, & I don’t 100% believe it was because he had Cancer, w/all the suicides that have gone on so much over the last few years, & the ones w/connections they have w/the Clintons. Look at thse “conveniently” ruled suicides, who were trying to take the Clintons & their pedo-rape pals down.

GW: The brother of Ridley Scott.

Savage Cupcake
He’s probably wearing a new face like no name…

david walker
i”m more inclined to go with your theory though, more than likely he was pushed or something, knowing what these ppl are capable of, beachies670

david walker Well, it’s not impossible, but, as a top notch, well renowned, A list director, it seemed such an odd way to kill himself. Always stuck in my head, & struck me odd. These days, it’s hanging (& these red scarves are a bit suspect) that has become the popular method. I guess Robin Williams’ unexpected suicide has still left me bitter, & suspicious, & still taken aback.

Michelle Tsethlikai
I watched this when I was six. Ever since then I’ve been paranoid about cameras being in vents, pens, and smoke detectors. I can’t even masterbate in peace 🙄

I totally agree but the revolution is not a fight.. it’s very simple.. stop buying and using crap… if you do not need it to physically live.. the moment you cut off the money.. i.e. their god.. you will get results.. All of the control is based on them following your tech.. stop using it.. whenever possible just don’t. There will be a time when it all will be used if it isn’t already. Learn to fish.. forage… hunt.. camp.. how to distill water … these things will be most handy..

I recommend rewatching “EVERYthing” with an awakened knowledge for everyone. You will see that the cabal have been cocky enough to consistently hide a lot in plain sight. Rule of thumb: Man has never had an Original thought. #TRUEtruths

Larry Alden
Earlier in “enemy of the state”, when Will Smith’s character first gets home and is talking to his wife in the kitchen, there is a small television on the counter. On the tv is a fake political talk show, and the topic is about surveillance of u.s citizens and it being a violation of privacy. The guy advocating for the surveillance program says that people will feel differently when buildings start falling down around them. Now that’s freaking spooky.

Expose the Democrats
xpez – Lets not forget the Communist inspired Weather Underground and Obama’s ties to a prominent member of the group. This group was responsible for the bombing of the Capitol itself (March 1971), the bombing of the Pentagon (May 1972), and the bombing of the State Department (January 1975).

But the genocidal communists who often label themselves as “Democratic” or “Socialist” have been trying to violently overthrow our government since the end of WWII.

”A grouping of Green, labor union and social “justice organisations”, the Apollo Alliance has had huge influence on the Obama administration and has succeeded in getting Apollo founder and longtime board member Van Jones a job in the White House.”

The New York state Apollo Alliance Director is Jeff Jones who talked about his commitment to environmental activism and “green jobs”.
Jeff Jones is a former member of the 1970s terrorist organization, the Weather Underground. More than that Jones was a founder and one of four key leaders of the organization with Mark Rudd, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. Remember those names.

The Weatherman connection to Apollo is hardly surprising. I revealed here that Van Jones had links in San Francisco to two other former Weathermen supporters Jon and Nancy Frappier. https://romanticpoet.wordpress.com/2009/08/10/radical-ties-to-obama-and-his-green-czar-van-jones-weather-underground-and-new-party-maoists/

Steve Downey
It’s kind of odd with all the surveillance out there now they can never find these missing children and I saw a documentary on TV it was back in the 80s or something and it said there’s 450,000 children in the United States that go missing every year not runaways not murdered just missing also said UK 100,000 missing children every year if that was in the late 80s early 90s what is it up to now and how come the news never shows it maybe five or six a year

GW: What a tangled web tptwtb weave.

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