Ocean 8 is about Illumanutty Drag Queens Stealing the Jew-Elry


Published on 20 Jun 2018
Ocean 8 is nothing but 8 Aging Drag Queens and 5 Older ones stealing the Real Jews and splitting them apart. Replacing the Jews with fake Jews from the water inside the Met Gay-la. The Drag show makes good money due to bathroom rules and blind spot while we watch the real master mind get away with the stolen jewelry= Jews that are all split up among the drag queens.

They literally are using China to steal all the jewelries or Jews from around the world.

Chess signifies spiritual warfare between humans (dark chess pieces) and demons (white ghosts = fallen angels)

Stay on God the Father’s rules and we are saved!

  • The Watche (r) s are being ”stolen”.
  • The 8 ”women” are representative of 8 ptwtb?
  • The Chinese dragqueen came out of a men’s bathroom.

ZSrz (edited)
I wish they would give women’s roles to women. Women are so beautiful, and they add so much to a story that men can’t give. Without women in the movies, the movies are just dull.

Felicity Ray Self
I can’t watch movies anymore
Have not been able to since 2012.

609blondebomb (edited)
My father owned an indoor theater and a drive in so as I was growing up I got to see a million movies. I didn’t question whether anyone was a tranny and yet seeing clips from many films it is quite clear. One movie that I’d encourage anyone to check out is Shakespear in Love. It clearly depicts the drag queens playing the parts of all females on stage and the “Queen” of England was actually a man dressed as a woman. Makes one think, doesn’t it?

Diamonds and water are both associated with Venus… hmm,

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