Theresa May under pressure to explain £20bn NHS funding plan

Theresa May is under pressure to explain how the government plans to provide the NHS with an extra £384m a week after talk of a “Brexit dividend” to help provide the cash was widely scoffed at.

On Sunday, the prime minister faced a backlash after she linked a planned funding boost with the infamous Vote Leave pledge to spend the money Britain sends to the European Union on the NHS instead – and even included a reference to the infamous “£350m” battle bus.

Conservative MP Sarah Wollaston, chair of the health and social care select committee and a former GP, was among those to attack the plan – branding the suggestion of a dividend to fund the 3.4% increase as “tosh”.

Mrs May is now under pressure from Labour to back up her comments ahead of a speech in London, with shadow chancellor John McDonnell suggesting her figures do not add up.

Thanks to KONP for the link.

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