UK Column 31 January 2018

George Greek Trucker

TeasMade in China and mentioned that there’s a lot of China Steel on the market but fails to mention that 1 in 5 Bridges In Danger of Collapse in US – China Steel

Bryce Kenning sits atop his car that fell into the Skagit River after the collapse of the Interstate 5 bridge Thursday in Mount Vernon, Wash.

UK Gov Still Selling off NHS Hospital Land & Buildings

Sad- Khant talks up London as a polluted place but the EU Air Quality Index shows that London’s air quality is relatively good cf areas of the EU.

Guardian: In this age of propaganda, we must defend ourselves. Hmmm only just woken up Guardian but it’s YOU that are part of the problem!

Taliban threaten 70% of Afghanistan – BBC finds – UK has had a presence in Afghanistan for some time but we don’t seem to have managed to return it to a state of safety.  It’s the drug growing program innit. AAN = SoreAss Links.

Helmand Province is the main area of opium production and that’s where UK troops were mainly based.  BG said that the BBC Reporter was very helpful and open to debate.  Excellent news.

Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP.

The FED Will Ignite The Next Financial Crisis – Another major UK firm in economic distress – CrAPITA shares have fallen by 40 percent.  This is another ZOMBIE Company – a company which has income less than its outgoings – is it going to follow CARILLON?

Anne Marie Trevelyan ToriCon MP getting nervous about her constituents’ questions about Melanie Shaw.


Stop the War Coalition Survey

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