A Goy Guide To World History

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3 Days Of Darkness
Published on 9 May 2017
The involvement of the Jewish conspiracy in world history.

Historian – E. Michael Jones.

Book: The Authoritian Personality – T W Adorno – Copyright 1950 by The American Jewish Committee. The theory was that the ”Authoritarian Personality” was developed from experience of living in the traditional nuclear family. The AP was said to be ”bad” because it developed ”anti-semitic” tendencies in youth so therefore the nuclear family should be undermined????

How can anyone in their right mind conflate ”anti-semitism” with experience of growing up in a traditional nuclear family???? These people are seriously paranoid!

Solzhenitsyn on the Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Terror

Zionism vs Bolshevism, Winston Churchill, Illustrated Sunday Herald, 02/08/1920
So THAT’S what the recent invasion of Cafe Blighty is really all about. And Jeremy Corbyn is a customer of said cafe.  Corbyn is well liked by too broad a spectrum of the community and might thus be a problem for those factionalists who wish to keep people divided into small warring tribes. The plot thickens.  If nationalism were to enjoy a resurgence, then the plotters, who wish to destroy British Culture – which has been adopted by many who have moved here – may have a problem.  That’s why tptwtb led UKIP up the garden path to nowhere.

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