What Happened To Justice Warrior – Justice4Jobseekers?

Original Logo

Well it appears that tptwtb liked his ”idea” including the name, so much, that it was stolen and then relaunched with a changed logo.  No longer the impartial site with real experience & the good advice.  The unwary would then think that they were dealing with the same individual.  Sadly the stealing of intellectual property from the rest of us is ”just business as usual” in tptwtb’s world.  This is because tptwtb are largely on the sociopath/psychopath spectrum and thus lack the creativeness that the rest of us still possess. Our creative consciousness doesn’t just operate solely from the reptile part of the brain whereas tptwtb’s consciousness does.  That’s why they are not creative.

Anyway J4J seems to have moved to another domain as follows:


He’s definitely worth a look.

J4J calling out the DM in 2015: ”However, Justice4Jobseekers has exposed this as a lie – because the Mail article is itself a job for Mr Kam, who is in fact an actor. His profile can be viewed here.

Daily Mail caught stirring up hate against benefit claimants with fake story?

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