MEPs stunned as they are told UK ‘CASH COW’ will stop paying for EU states after Brexit

For 45 years now our money has been spent on vanity projects and to rebuild Eastern Europe. To pay the massive salaries of failed eu politicians, and to reward those national leaders who would betray their own citizens for a place at the trough. They have spent our money like water.

The “ladies of the night” in Belgium might have been able to retire with all the business they have been doing, but our people will need to work into old age before they can. It is time to spend that money here now. Our people deserve it. We have propped up the eu for long enough.are

Oddbod – > Harkerboy
If May was serious about “BREXIT MEANS BREXIT” then you would be perfectly correct, however she actually believes that “BREXIT MEANS REMAIN” and at ANY COST. She and her co-traitors will inflict any amount of harm upon the UK so as to preserve the status quo and continue to financially support the fantasies of the EU. They are determined that the message they wish to transmit is that the EU is all powerful and that escape is impossible. We are being deliberately sacrificed so as to crush opposition to the EU, the only realistic option open to LEAVERS is to make civil war the obvious response to this betrayal, after all we have already seen with what contempt they view the voters and democracy so what alternative do we have other than abject surrender to fascism?

May IS selling out the british people by offering to pay BILLIONS more for nothing in return. Davis and the negotiating team are a JOKE.
WHAT do the EU owe us? Where is the deamand to giveus back our share of investments?  Stop working & stop paying tax – there are those who are ”making such arrangements” as we speak.

Why do we pay when Canada got a trade deal and they pay ZERO, somebody is taking the p***?

No one knows how much it’s costing the UK in housing and benefits for EU citizens. Surely this must be well over 10 billion per year. The astronomical cost of being part of the EU is holding the UK down. May is irresponsible in not bringing out all the figures, so that we can show up the EU for it’s true colours, and cost.  Spot on Tony.  The West Germans said it cost them a fortune to bring East Germany up to par with them – this is happening to us now – we are paying for all the ex communist countries to develop.

GW: So sick of the EUSSR begging bowl being shoved in our faces. EUSSR MEPs are shocked to hear the word ”Cash Cow” being bandied about by a person of British extraction are they. Quoi?????  Qui est cette personne sans importance? Oh tu sais qu’il paie juste nos factures de bar.  Reminds me of the sheer detachment from reality which accompanied the Court of the Sun King.  Mind you the Palace of Versailles is a masterpiece – paid for by the poor French peasants.  Was ever thus.

menhir – > exlabourvoter780
It has already been reported, exlab, that German car exports to the UK are 20% down on last year. As, at present, we are still in the EU, I can only assume that this reduction is a direct result of a boycott of German cars by the British public. So, keep up the good work everybody … hit them where it hurts … in the wallet.

Europe’s cash cow and the world’s wallet and here we are the British public going through never ending austerity pension delays and funding every loser that crosses our border and now been told that there is the likelihood that the taxpayer will fund an ‘extortionate exit fee’ to leave (I’ll repeat leave) a corrupt union.

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