UK Column News 31st October 2017

George Greek Trucker

Gez501: Of course Ted Heath was blackmailed – by the German Secret Service – DVD
DEUTSCHER VERTEIDIGUNGS DIENST – who even in the 1940s was ensconced in our Cabinet Office and has been there in various guises ever since. They are in every country that German military were located in at the end of the war. Britain and America were particularly involved – and still are. The Nazis were the ones who first set up the paedophile entrapment rings in the first instance. Learn your “hidden history” folks. Its all available for those who bother to search.

  • SoreAss recently put $18 Billion into Open Society.
  • But Open Society funded NGOs are squealing a bit about Victor Orban who has shut some of them down. Urban has said that the SoreAss Network has an extensive sphere of influence in the EU Parliament & other EU bodies. They are calling Orban’s stance undemocratic but is it democratic to fund NGOs to go into a state and agitate and drive opinion in a direction that the elected government is not comfortable with e.g. endless immigration despite the country’s lack of infrastructure to cope etc.
  • ‘Foreign Agent’ NGOs Are Turning Down Foreign Funding, Says Putin  The number operating in Russia has decreased from 165 to 89.
  • EUROPOL has launched the ”Sirius” initiative – a secure web platform for law enforcement professionals – allowing them to share knowledge, best practice & expertise with special focus on ”counter terrorism” – something ”created” by our secret services anyway.
  • They want to hold a bi-annual ”codefest” – where ”certain people” will be invited to take part.  Basically they will be running a hackers conference & workshop.  Guess who are involved –  3rd parties such as – Fakebook, Goggle, Twitter, Microsoft & UBER????
  • BBC2 @9:30 a discussion about ”new crimes” e.g. criticising the government or the establishment – this needed to dealt with lengthy prison sentences????  Did anyone else hear this?  If so send details to UK Column.
  • MSM catches up – REVEALED: Shock strategy Brussels will use to LURE member-states into EU army
  • Top Brexit official moves to role with Theresa May
  • UK Column Article: Brexit: Theresa May’s CARDs Are On The Table
  • How is it that TeasMade can enquire about a visit by her MP to buy a sex shop toy yet she maintains a wall of silence around Ted Heath?  Was Heath blackmailed over child abuse to take the UK into the EU?
  • Benchmarking the Future World of Cities
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