Notts Warriors: Is the dictatorship collapsing?

Mark Ceylon
Published on 28 Oct 2017

Andrew Blackburn
Those satanic morons you mentioned, had their hidden hand in my cousin’s demise. A recent event on guess when.. Their high holy day. 1st October. Same day as las vegas. Google “Caspar Blackburn” and read all the numerological press coverage it received in Manchester. Guess where he went missing? Wait for it…. Right next to their hall!! Probably 99 feet away from it that has coordinates with 33 or 66 in it. You can’t make it up. The hall also has a set of coordinates with either 33 or 66. He wasn’t the first to “inexplicably and accidentally” reach his demise in the canals of Manchester and certainly won’t be the last.

Caspar Blackburn: Police find body in Sale canal

Caspar, 22, disappeared during a night out at the Slug and Lettuce Waterside in Sale, early last Sunday morning, October 1.

Officers have confirmed that a man’s body was recovered from the water in the Bridgewater Canal, near the rear of Springfield Primary School and St Paul’s Church shortly after 10am this morning, Saturday, October 7.

GW:  Masonic Hall in Tatton Road M33 7EE
Slug & Lettuce in Waterside Plaza M33 7BS

Those not so secret secret societies are vile to their core and practice their esoteric, demonic religion in full display for all to see, as you report, but by god, we, the general population need to gather up ourselves and start opposing them! Stop accepting their ways, rules, conditions, lies and tyrannical goals. We can make an impact, if only we stand up. They will flee. The bible says, resist the devil and he will flee from you. Clearly, there hasn’t been any resistance for a very long time. Thanks for what you’re doing Mark. Chin up mate, you’ve clearly been through the mill and whether or not I agree with everything you allude to (Mandela effect for example), you’re really growing in my estimation. You’re fighting a tough fight and doing a darn good job. The same to everyone else who’s being ridiculed for not “going with the flow” of the herd mentality. Let’s keep going and lord willing, we’ll converge on some strong common ground to create huge waves of change.

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