Milo Yiannopoulos Says Victims of Abuse Are ‘Whinging, Selfish Brats’ in Newly Surfaced Video

”This latest video came after it emerged that Yiannopoulos was due to give a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). While he has escaped heavy criticism from some of the conservative quarters over his inflammatory comments in the past, this time Yiannopoulos’s language saw him fall foul of the organisers of the conference.

He has now been pulled as a speaker. Among those speaking at this year’s CPAC event is President Donald Trump.”

GW:  Mi-Lo eh?  Is that British Intelligence being rather UN-subtle about Mr Yiannopoulos’s real occupation then?    Fancy a flutter?  Feelin’ lucky?  Then place yer bets ladies & gents and rattle that roulette wheel croupier.

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