7 Ways To Protect Yourself From Tptwtb

  1. Watch the ruling elite and their associates like a hawk, especially certain key people making the major decisions.
  2. For the survival of you and your loved ones, discernment, self-sufficiency and unity are keys.
  3. Maintain a healthy immune system. Drink good clean water, eat a healthy diet of organic food, get regular sunlight & exercise.
  4. Choose to live naturally – the future of food will exist in small organic gardening and farming communities.
  5. People’s mass refusal to cooperate is the key to preventing the ruling elite’s world depopulation agenda.
  6. Are you a peaceful activist? Are you: 1. spreading the word to others on what’s really happening in the world?
  7. Don’t get overwhelmed – create an empowering way of being whereby you control the circumstances.

Thanks to Tapestry for the article.

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