UK Incredible Birth Rate Part ii


jonny reggae
Exactly!!!…Just like my Fînnísh néighbøur!!…Turned up in GB @ 18yrs old, having only just finished school, pregnant by a British man she says!!..
Gets a social housing flat, benefits, free medical treatment…then 6months later, a bigger social housing house…next-dóor to me, lucky me!!!…

Never worked, whilst taking advantage of full benefits, within 2yrs is in court for benefit fraud for saying she’s a single mum (whilst the boyfriend always lived there…never moved out even after being caught the 1st time), & for some reason was not sent packing?!!..AND continued to be given full benefits to be abused again!!…Because the baby was half British!!

Few years later, baby No2, still not working, free medical treatment, more benefits & a repossession order…for benefit fraud again!, & still not paying rent, (even though they’ve been fraudulently claiming full housing & council tax benefit!!)…& still she is not sent on her way!!…

Few years down the line, her & British boyfriend split up…big furore coz after initially paying for both children, he then only pays the equivalent for one!!…The eldest was never his!!, but the original Fînnish boyfriend of many years ago!!!…

After living here for nigh on 15yrs, has now worked part time for all of 2yrs!!...& is Still financially better off than me, & others in the St., what with working tax credits, And Still getting full housing & council tax benefit!!!...Now legally as opposed to illegally!!

How is this fair??
She’s lied from the off, been given every financial help, committed benefit fraud twice, & is a known asbo tenant to the social housing landlord!!…
& yet we have the frîgging HOL saying we must protect HER?!, & other deceitful people like her, guaranteeing HER RIGHT TO STAY IN THIS COUNTRY BEFORE WE TRIGGER A 50?!!

I Don’t Blôôdy Think So!!!…
This Is So Wrong!!!

We Do Not Need Abusers of Our Ridiculously Generous Country!!!…
People like this need to be sent packing!!..
An immigration cull is most definitely needed!!…& I shall be nominating my néighbøur!!

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