NHS MARCH: 200,000 take to the streets of London


Jeni Watts @jenidubs
5am start in Devon so I can go to @nhs_demo on @theRCN coach #OurNHS #scrapthecap #tooearly
8:07 AM – 4 Mar 2017

GW:  Yes huge thanks to all those who made the effort to show up for #ourNHS Demo in London today.  We had Doctors for NHS, Peoples Assembly, NUT, Unite, NHA Party, Keep Our NHS Public, Groups from Hampshire, Liverpool, Chorley Lancashire, Burnley Etc

The midwives who held up a sign saying ‘‘Midwives know a C*** when they see one” next to a picture of Jeremy caused much amusement; Another sign read ‘‘Checkup NOT Checkout”; Yet another sign referred to the ”Tories’ MAYlaise”;  And one hand-made one said a la Springsteen ”Born in the NHS”; Yet another said ‘‘Ban the HUNT for Fox Sake” made by the lady’s daughter apparently.

The Grim Reaper with the NHS on his blade posed next to several people for a series of photos; dogs were out in force supporting #ourNHS; Medics wheeled their bikes, with suchi lunches tucked neatly into the saddlebags, along in the melee smiling. I guess the doctors were enjoying the moment – seeing such huge public support out on the streets for #ourNHS.  The afternoon Sun shone down on the proceedings.  God must have been pleased.  Such an orderly and communal procession.  Brass Bands played old favourites.  The audience joined in.

At one point the crowd parted to make way for a guy on a 3 wheeler bicycle towing a set of beat boxes with a drummer seated and two electric guitarists walking behind.  Absolutely fabulous afternoon.  Too bad if you missed it.

Afterwards there was not much room in Waterstones as marchers queued for cake, sandwiches, lemon tarts, hot chocolate, expresso, etc.  Megaphones were placed on the floor, placards were leaned up against the wall, and lively discussions then emanated from various groups at the tables.


Hundreds of campaigners take part in national NHS demo

Among those making the journey were campaigners from Huddersfield and Grantham who are trying to save their Accident and Emergency units.


Busload from Huddersfield & Grantham –


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