‘Hideous!’ Ferrari RAGES at Whitehall plans to tax dead people to pay for care


It falls to amaze me, how this government is allowing our NHS-schools-Housing-mental health care-our homeless military veterans-care in the community ETC, to become so desperate. Yet think nothing of handing over £12-billion a year, of taxpayers money, to foreign countries Who don’t need or want this money.  India for one who begs this government to stop throwing their money away.

At least a quarter is probably the premium that those that pay, have to pay towards those that don’t.

The true cost is more like £500 but as the council won’t pay that much for people who haven’t got the funds, the care home charges those that can, an extra few hundred more, to cover the shortfall from the council

That’s true Polly, those that can pay, do pay a premium of around 300/400 per week above that of those the local council pay for in the same homes. I have a friend whose Father is in a care home and they are paying 1100 per week for his care.

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