Top Secrets About Body Language Full Documentary Kurt Elliott

Hillary Clinton body language around Huma

Comment: Huma is Clintons handler for the Saudi government, not her assistant. The Saudi’s have a significant financial investment in Hillary. Uma uses money and sex to control Hillary. Wiener was also an easy target to be manipulated by Huma in the same way.

Comment: Both these women have had people killed. Human, crying, wanting immunity. Hang them, both.

Comment: For anyone wanting the bottom line on Huma, just google, “Mata Hari”, then “Monica Lewinski” and put the two together. Huma is to Hillary like Monica was to Scumbag Bill. Huma is also a spy for the the Islamic Jihadis. The only difference between Mata Hari and Huma is that the people being spied on didn’t know Mata Hari was a spy. Everyone in DC knows what Huma is and they all work with her and Obama.

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