Jeremy Corbyn denounces ‘jingoistic cheering’ at Hilary Benn’s Syria speech

corbyn allotment

No Wonder Corbyn Is At His Allotment – At least there is a community spirit there.

GR Comment:  “Jeremy Corybn is exactly right in what he says. Hilary Benn’s speech was nothing more than warmongering, warmongering dressed up elegantly, but still warmongering. He deserved neither acclaim nor an ovation. Is this what we have become? An MP openly campaigns for what is essentially war and he gets an ovation, disgusting.”

GW:  Yep a load of jingoistic cheering and then some CamerGloat, followed by Mr Hammond’s surprising announcement that, well, actually nothing has been done in 11 days followed by suddenly everyone around the UN table for peace talks.  What a farce!  All designed to undermine Corbyn at any cost.  These people including Benn Junior should do just that **** off and form “ToriTwistLabour” if that’s what they want.  We the electorate are not going to join them but, Heh,  Whatever it takes to get the message through I guess.  Stop shouting and pouting.  Have the courage of your convictions and just GO!  Benn has played a very bad hand. He has shown us his true colours- blue waistcoat under a red topcoat.

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