Why are Syrian refugees foisted on a remote Scottish island where there is high umemployment and poverty and then given perks the locals don’t enjoy?

“The debate is compounded by that fact that while the red carpet has been rolled out for the refugees and much money spent on them, the council (which is dominated by the Scottish National Party) has ordered ‘austerity’ cuts.”

“A Rothesay shopkeeper explained: ‘The teenager made a gesture at her with his hand and mouth, a sign for oral sex. When she returned him a disapproving look, he did it again. She rang the migrant liaision officers to complain, but was told there was no one she could speak to about the matter.’ There have been other reports about a clash of cultures with respect to clothing.”


DMR Comment:  “So immediately these refugees will be entitled to normal benefits once their NI numbers are processed which means they will be far better off than locals because they don’t pay rent rates electricity gas water rates etc that won’t go down well once the penny has dropped with the locals.”

GW:  If the refugee children get given new bikes then it would add to harmony to give the local children bikes as well!  Can’t help thinking this contrived inequality is being done on purpose so that when we object we will be castigated as being un-Christian.  Another point was how are they going to learn to manage on UK incomes if they are given everything free?   This is a psy-op.

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