UN council backs Syria peace plan towards ending country’s bloody civil war in rare show of unity


DMR Comment:  “At last the result Mr Corbyn has been hoping for – a diplomatic solution which will isolate ISIS and hopefully bring peace to the region.”

DMR Comment:“There you go – once again the West “leaders” will pull the wool over the eyes of all the sheeple pretending they are the ones to make this happen. Left to them, Syria would be a copy of Libya and Iraq, and wrecked failed state. Its Russia under Putin that made this happen, and forced these cowards into line.”

Tap Blogspot Reports:

“I Want Turkey To Hear This”
Vladimir Putin’s Annual Media Q&A

Turkey will not be able to violate the Syria airspace as Russia has deployed S-400 defense system in Hmeymim airbase, Russian president Vladimir Putin told journalists during the press-conference in Moscow.

Britain is not in a rush to strike Syria, says Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond, as it is revealed the Royal Air Force (RAF) has not struck an Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) target in the country for 11 days.

The admission jars with the urgent tone of debate before the vote held a fortnight ago on extending airstrikes from Iraq into Syria”


who backed Cameron

Well Well All those warmongers who voted to bomb Syria including Richard Harrington TC MP Watford must be wondering what the hurry was all about.

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