Thatcher resisted the bankers and was got rid of – Gordon Logan

Tap Tap Tap on the window pane.  It’s Gordon Logan again.

“I have led a very strange life. This is partly a logical consequence of what I knew and was involved in. In dealing with secret services as enemies, one should be maximally noisy and audacious. I don’t feel sorry for the royal family or politicians, but it doesn’t take much for them to get killed. The Khazar/Rothschild Mafia or KRM requires ideological obedience from its members, that is lip service to dogmas such as the ‘war on terror’, anthropogenic global warning, diversity etc, etc. Deviation in members of the elite is not tolerated. Hence the deaths of people like Diana and Robin Cook. We are transitioning into an age of NWO ideological claptrap, whch is why Cameron puts ‘non-violent extremists’ on a par with ISIS. If the public sees through the claptrap, the whole murderous project will be in trouble. All this is the endgame of centuries of crooked banking and now they’re in danger of dropping the ball. They have two big problems: the rapprochement of Russia and China (both armed to the teeth) and the internet, where everything is hanging out. There is total cognitive dissonance between the net and the MSM and the latter is getting more and more discredited, hence Cameron’s desperate speech at the UN last year. Thatcher’s colleagues were behind the Brighton bombing. The British financed and controlled the Provos for decades. Thatcher was obstinate and unapproachable and had to be got rid of. She wouldn’t even send a frigate to the South Atlantic to dissuade the Argies, because of her pennypinching. The result was that the Treasury had to pay billions for a war that could be avoided. She also didn’t like the bankers and had even read Gibb Stuart. So any British politician can get whacked.”

Dinosaur at TreasuryComment:  “Thatcher was interested by Gibb Stuart and the idea of sovereign money. This would have horrified TPTB and they no doubt diverted her attention to ‘wholesome’ Jewish thinkers like Milton Friedman and Von Hayek. Von Hayek is at the opposite end of the spectrum and is opposed to governments creating money. He thought that only private banks should create money. Malcolm Rifkind goes so far as to say that the state creation of money is ‘counterfeiting’, which is not surprising from a Rothschild placeman.”

The Money Bomb – The Dinosaur at the Treasury – Copyright James Gibb Stuart 1983

25 October 2011

MI5 Are Being ‘Run Ragged’ By Ex-spy Gordon Logan

Dearie Me.

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