DM: End this EU charade and lift gag on ministers

“Only yesterday, the Mail exposed how Whitehall suppressed official data on the true scale of EU migration into Britain, because revealing it would be ‘unhelpful’ to Mr Cameron’s renegotiations.

Most insidiously, eurosceptic ministers have been gagged, while their europhile colleagues are paraded before the broadcasters to toe the official line – aided and abetted by Sir John Major (whose hatred of his party’s eurosceptics can’t be overstated), spreading histrionic scare stories about the perils of pulling out.”

The fact is that on the Tories’ eurosceptic wing, there are heavyweights with hugely important contributions to make – Iain Duncan Smith at Work and Pensions, Theresa May at the Home Office, Michael Gove at the Justice Department, Sajid Javid at Business and Boris Johnson, the London mayor.

DMR Comment:  “The British public still doesn’t get it and I’m surprised that Eurosceptic political commentators haven’t made more of it. A Leave vote will not automatically result in us leaving the EU. The result is “advisory”. Unless the result is an overwhelming “Leave”, Cameron will say “it’s within the range of statistical errors” or “it’s not in the country’s interest” and there aren’t enough MPs who will vote against it to overrule him. The following is a quotation directly from the House of Commons Briefing Paper on the EU Referendum Bill dated, June 2015. “It does not contain any requirement for the UK Government to implement the results of the referendum, nor set a time limit by which a vote to leave the EU should be implemented. Instead, this is a type of referendum known as pre-legislative or consultative, which enables the electorate to voice an opinion which then influences the Government in its policy decisions.””

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