UK Column News 18 December 2015

ukc 18 december 2015 - Alex Salmond was aware of Hollie Grieg case before RG

Alex Salmond was well informed about the Hollie Greig case long before Robert Green started his campaign.  Interestingly there has now been a death threat made by a person with a Manchester accent which has been reported to police.  How low will tptb go to cover up their crimes?  Quite a way it seems.

ukc 18 december 2015 - Robert Green Letter to Nicola Sturgeon 2

Letter to Nicola Sturgeon.

ukc 18 december 2015 - Robert Green Letter to Nicola Sturgeon 3

Letter to Theresa May.  So they all know the facts but still no action.

ukc 18 december 2015 - Google closed a blogsite

Google closed a blogsite because they said it contravened their “SPAM regulations”?  Then the “had a think” and magically reinstated it??? 

ukc 18 december 2015 - Clinton and Benghazi

Hillary Clinton finally being ‘brought to book’ about what happened in Benghazi.  Common Hitlery we all know what really happened.

ukc 18 december 2015 - Israel and Turkey

Israel and Turkey.  Did Turkey wash Israel’s dirty laundry perchance?

ukc 18 december 2015 - MOSSAD Motto

ukc 18 december 2015 - SNP Independence is dead

ukc 18 december 2015 - Christmas Message from Alex

Christmas Message from Alex Thompson.

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