Conservative Party George Osborne credited in Star Wars: The Force Awakens – despite being booed at the premiere

go gets booed star wars

MR Comment: “Thanks Gideon for reducing welfare for the poorest in society, while lavishing corporate welfare liberally on big business. Neoliberal economics at its very best.”

GW:  How desperate is that?  The ToriCons are a bunch of sad ‘please love me’ sociopaths.  Try actually running the country for the good of the constituents.  It’s not rocket science!  Dennis Skinner is rightly applauded because he is GOOD at what he does and he really cares about improving people’s lives.  The ToriCons think they can just “buy their way out” of their appalling reputation.  Just like they have bought their O & A Levels and their Oxford Degrees.  Unfortunately one’s intellect and moral high ground are things money can’t buy.

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