Osborne gives political adviser 42% rise amid public sector pay freeze

Osborne bald patchImage Courtesy Huff Puff http://www.huffingtonpost

Osborne should “Get fit even if the economy’s not.”  Gosh it’s not just body fitness.  He needs to go to re-hab as well.


GR Comment:  “Spads- these are the unelected dickheads who are doing most of the work of coming up with policies. Note, unelected.”

GW:  42 percent increase in wages to change a hairdo?  You can’t change that black heart though Gideon nor your lack of a good sense of humour.  You are not popular with the electorate and nothing will change that.  Remember the boos at the Olympics in 2012?  Nothing’s changed since then mate.  In fact things have got worse.  Don’t forget to tell Ollie Wetlin the bad news.  He’s the ‘I need you with me everyday man’ for those who are not really up to it isn’t he?  UK Column reported that Ollie is also Keeper of the Duchy of Lancaster Finances.  Is that true Gid?  So it’s Ollie who runs the Finances at Duchy of Lancaster and the post of PM then.  Is that what Ms Eagle was inferring recently at PMQs is it Gideon?

Thanks to NLAT for the link.  He reads the Guardian so GW doesn’t have to.

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