How symbolic! Royal crest falls off as Cameron admits EU negotiation is ‘very difficult’


God Works In Mysterious Ways Indeed!

DER Comment:  “These sham negotiations will never produce any meaningful benefit to the people of the UK, nor are they designed to.  The UK is the money donating milk cow that the EU depends on.  Our hard-earned tax money provides for corrupt EU politicians, EU civil servants and spongers of all sorts, whilst our old people, sick and homeless are treated disgustingly.   We need to have the referendum now, and vote out of this corrupt, incompetent and wasteful swamp of shysters.”

GW:  In addition Cameron recently admitted he was only ‘relatively successful’ at giving up “fags” – erm coming from Eton what can one expect – whereas Mr Skinner completely kicked the habit.  Oh well, with a resolve as weak as Cameron’s what can one expect?  Although Mr Skinner still enjoys the occasional joke regarding smoking. eg “I see the kippers are getting smoked”

Flip Flap Flip Flap Flip Flap.  GW?  Gideon!  Back from your pre-Christmas break I see.  How is your Mother?  She is well thank-you GW.  I can see that while I was away you have become somewhat casual GW with regards to your research.  How so Gideon?  Well, Dennis Skinner for instance.  I believe he gave up alcohol – not cigarettes.  Erm, OOPS.  Well Gideon it amounts to the same thing.  One day he decided to quit and he is still dry at 82.  Yes GW.  Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.  Some tea?  Ah that would be perfect Gideon.  We’re glad that you are back.  That post Christmas Party needs organising and I’m a bit pushed here right now.  Yawn.

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