Tories rocked by new ‘bullying’ storm as MP Lucy Allan accused of ‘vicious’ abuse of sick staff member

Lucy Allan Tori Con“In phone calls heard by the Standard, Lucy Allan rants at a female staffer on sick leave — describing her absence as “pathetic”, telling her she “pissed around on my life” and accusing her of having an “alcohol problem”.

The MP for Telford threatens to sack the young woman if she takes four weeks off, as advised by her doctor.

She tells her: “I’m not paying you for that then. It’s ridiculous.”

Ms Allan, 51, says that if her staffer resigns she will supply a reference.”

ESR Comment: “Tempting though it would be to think this is a Tory problem, we know that it extends to all three main parties. They all have this unendearing habit of imposing carpet-baggers on local constituency associations against their preferences for local sons and daughters – Allan was a Wandsworth councillor, where she still lives, and is married to a stockbroker. Her interest in Telford does not seem to predate her arrival as candidate in 2013.  A large part of what Momentum is fighting in the Labour party is much the same phenomenon, and the MPs fighting back are largely careerists obligated to the old “New” labour machine for their jobs.”

GW:  Yes and R Harrington TC MP Watford lives in North London and spends a lot of time working on “projects” for D Cameron when he isn’t re-arranging the 80 percent of his wealth that he keeps offshore plus of course raising “funds” for the ToriCons from varous donors NOT living in Watford..

Thanks to NLAT for the link.

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