Neil Kinnock And Peter Mandelson Warn Jeremy Corbyn Over Future Direction Of Labour Party

Comment at Huff Puff:  “Suddenly normal people via CORB have got a voice and me oh my how we are seeing the establishment doing their damndest to silence it!  Well stuff them and the old red guard that didn’t actually protect us  I love the nervousness that pervades politicians who know they are no longer safe hanging on to the moneymens’ cashtails.”

Comment at Huff Puff:  “Just want to point out that time and again Corbyn has been proven right, but the same cannot be said for Mandy and Kinnock. Plus why would Corbyn opt for deselection when he offered most of his opponants a job in the shadow cabinet?”

Comment at Huff Puff:  “We need to rework some of the language as the HP is going down the fated Guardian road. I would say we are the moderates.. The people who want an NHS, housing and education and a reasonable wage for our people. We also want to know that people overseas are not getting bombed in our name. Hard right or extremist must be those who support bombing, believe they are over and above our democratic system and feather their nests with the money of overseas tyrants such as blair and mandy. Privilege; belief in the right to inherit the earth; belief in self as part of an elite; – these are extreme positions. Please rethink and correct yourselves HF be4 we leave you in our droves as well.”

Labour donor backs Jeremy Corbyn’s anti-austerity agenda

“JML chairman John Mills, who is normally associated with the Blairite wing of the Labour party, said the anti-austerity policies being pursued by Jeremy Corbyn “made a lot of sense” and could be popular with the public in 2020″

GW:  Look Peter How can I put this?  It’s going to be hard to find the words.  There was once a feeling – how can I say – in those halycon days – um – but – um – it’s over man.  It’s over.  There.  It has been said at last.  We wish you well with your new romance.  The door awaits mate.  As Lady Diana said “Well there were three of us in this marriage so it was a bit crowded.”   Yes Peter it is very crowded here in this Labour Union and I can’t help thinking that your union with us was a marriage of convenience from the very start.  So now it has come to this.  Fighting and bickering and a strained relationship is not what we need right now.  So I’m afraid it’s – erm – “Goodbye Peter” and take that odd friend Kinnock with you if you don’t mind.  There.  I can say it now.  I never did like your friends.

Mr Skinner does not mince his words.  He certainly put Emily Maitlis in her place.

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