Jeremy Corbyn and Momentum must hold their nerve

I voted for new kind politics

Memo to the media bubble: real people like Jeremy Corbyn

“I am writing this from Sale, which is a comfortable suburb of Manchester. The important thing is that I am not in London. For what I have to report is an uneasy sense of alienation from the certainties of the political classes who live their lives, and learn their values, inside the Westminster bubble. Out here in the regions – to the horror of the metropolitan elite – lots of people rather like Jeremy Corbyn.”

IR Comment: “I ask myself who would I rather have in charge of the NHS, education, Police, etc – And the answer is 100000 % Corbyn.

Cameron would privatize everything in a heartbeat if the price was right and under his watch the services have definetly got worse.
Cameron and his crew are all multi millionaires. The very people who very likely fudge the tax system for their own benefit . How can we ever expect these people to do right by us, it’s not gunna happen. Cameron is so far removed from the common man he may as well have a crown on his head.”

Richard Burgon MP: Attacks on Stop the War are proxy attacks on Jeremy Corbyn

“Labour frontbencher Richard Burgon took on Jeremy Corbyn’s critics head on Sunday, accusing those who view Tony Blair as the moderate of living in a “topsy-turvy” world.”

GW:  STWC “Full of Communists and Trots” Andrew Neil? What are you on man?

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