Look Who Is Getting Rich From Carbon Emissions

The Ozone Scare Was A Dry Run For The Global Warming Scare


Comment at Guido Fawkes: “In a way, I which I had thought of the AGW scam. That c*** now has 200 million tucked away, apparently”

Comment at Guido Fawkes:  “Don’t forget the carbon credit scam.”

Maurice_StrongComment at Guido Fawkes:  “The person who really got the scam going was a gent called Maurice Strong, a corrupt businessman and multi-multi-millionaire who embedded himself in the United Nations’ good books by spending vast sums of other people’s money. Strong has recently gone to Gaia; buried, I should hope, rather than adding to atmospheric CO2 by being cremated. (Although, really, a true environmentalist should ask to be eaten).”

Strong was “a Canadian oil and mineral businessman and a diplomat who served as Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations”

Comment at Guido Fawkes: “Apparently the UN are after your woodburner too. They want to ban burning wood.  You WILL only use hugely expensive electricity for cooking and heating your home.”

Al Gore, the world’s first carbon billionaire?


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