Fracking just caused another earthquake – as our MPs debate UK sites

“Oil and gas regulators in Canada have confirmed that a sizeable earthquake in Oklahoma was caused by fracking.

The 4.6-magnitude quake hit Oklahoma, which now has the highest number of earthquakes in the world, back in August.

The British Columbia Oil and Gas Commission confirmed the August 17 quake is linked to the industry after an investigation.

The earthquake is the largest linked to hydraulic fracturing– which is the process of injected fluid into the groud at high pressures to force out gases stored in shale rocks.”

Upton Community Fracking Blockade



Fracking under national parks approved by MPs amid acrimony

‘MPs have voted to allow fracking under Britain’s national parks, drawing accusations that the government has sneaked the measure through parliament without a proper debate.

Ministers used a statutory instrument – a form of secondary legislation – to push through the new rules, which means legislation can pass into law without a debate in the House of Commons. MPs voted in favour by 298 to 261.’

Thanks to NLAT for the link.

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